
Language classes are taught Mme. Wildfong, I am currently enrolled in Intermediate French. This immersive French class has been a great learning experience for me and my peers. The assignments and class work we do are very engaging which keeps me excited to learn more. The immersive French experience has also gotten me much more comfortable with speaking the language.

B Term Pronunciation

This assignment was used to see our French-speaking progress from the beginning of the year. We were told to read an excerpt from La Belle et La Bete and do our best to speak as fluidly as possible. We were given an audio recording to listen to as many times as needed and were then able to record our speaking afterward. Being able to test and see my full progress in speaking French was very exciting for me and kept me motivated to do better. Here you can view my recording.

Recette Presentation

My recette presentation was based on an assignment we had to pick a French food recipe and cook it and document our process. I really enjoy cooking so this assignment was very enjoyable for me. We were supposed to find a recipe and convert the whole thing to French as well as document any new vocab words. Cooking the recipe after all the documentation was very satisfying and it helped me remember the names of all the ingredients and measurements. I ended up cooking French Onion Soup and it came out good, you can view my presentation here.