
Unlike normal English and History classes at other high schools, I take Humanities at Mass Academy. Through lessons about American history and current events, I have been able to learn how history shapes the future. Mrs. Small, the Humanities teacher, provides everyone with lessons that are crucial to ongoing events, and I have truly enjoyed learning about how human behavior has changed over time.

In Humanities, we write essays often to sum up the content that we are currently learning. One such essay I liked writing was the Education essay (shown on the left), where we choose a topic to write about regarding education. More specifically, we got to choose a topic and present its benefits and disadvantages, ultimately advocating for one side of the argument. I wrote about the effects of cliques in high schools. This essay was extremely insightful, as I was able to improve my skills regarding arguing for two sides of an argument.

Another essay I really enjoyed writing about was the Satirical Analysis Essay. This essay wasn’t like anything I had done before, as it utilized comparison of two different medias to determine which was more effective. Ultimately, when comparing a satire and a more serious piece, I believed that the satire was more effective due to its humorous and inclusive tone. Overall, I really enjoyed writing this essay, as I hadn’t really focused on satire over the past few years.