
Advanced Physics is a class taught by Mrs. Chase where we learn both algebra-based physics and calculus-based physics. Throughout the course, we will go over all of the content in AP Physics 1 and AP Physics C Motion, and will also be exposed to the content of AP Physics C Electricity and Magnetism. Mass Academy is cognizant that students might not have taken calculus before so for every problem, there is both an algebra and calculus-based version available. In order to become better physicists the class mixes tests, labs, and real-world problems that allow us to grasp the topics.

Dynamics Lab

For our third unit, Dynamics, groups of two or three worked together to design a modified Atwood machine experiment that would allow you to collect data in order to test a hypothesis about the relationship between the forces, acceleration, and gravitational laws we have gone over. I worked with Thomas to collect the data and then individually analyzed and wrote up the findings. Our modified Atwood machine consisted of a cart track attached to a string that is hanging over a pulley with a metal block attached to the other end.

Momentum Investigation

Similar to the Dynamics Lab, for the Momentum unit, groups of 2 or 3 used Venier carts to model different kinds of collisions in order to determine how kinetic energy increases or decreases and how momentum is conserved. These investigations were the first time we were able to use the Venier carts to measure quantities such as velocity and acceleration. I worked with Nevin to look into an inelastic collision and momentum on a slope. Because we wrote up our findings in a slideshow, some of the formatting was lost when it was converted into a PDF. If you want to see our slides in all of their glory, click here.