Math Modeling is a class taught by Ms. Burns. In Math Modeling, we utilize our Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, and Pre-Calculus skills to tackle challenging application problems that span various topics and stretch our critical thinking skills. We also participate in math competitions such as Modeling the Future.
The Epsilon School problem presents a situation where Epsilon School receives 140 more Sophomores than the graduating senior class, increasing the population from 490 to 630 students. To accommodate this, the school is hiring seven new teachers, which presents the question: Which departments should receive the teachers? We were tasked with creating the most fair distribution of teachers and justifying that distribution with a mathematical model.
The Birthday POW was a problem given to us in which we had to determine what day of the week a person was born, only knowing their birthday and the calendar for October 2023 while only using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.