
¡Hola! En la class de Español nosotros solamente hablamos en Español. I am in intermediate Spanish with Sra. Wildfong, which is a full immersion class. We expand our vocabularies and learn Spanish grammar through exposure to and use of the target language. We often write essays, watch movies, listen to music, play games, and read books in Spanish. Browse some of my work below!


A project in spanish class was to create our own memes using Spanish. The meme on the left says "Stop procrastinating your STEM work or draw 25" and shows a person that represents the students of MAMS who chose to draw 25 cards. The meme on the right shows a ball representing free time with the students of MAMS reaching for it, then it shows homework pulling the distressed students away from free time.


House Essay


At the beginning our the year, we were learning how to describe relative positions, house items, and different rooms. In order to write this essay, we took pictures of our rooms in our houses and described them in Spanish. It really helped me to learn the words for objects that I encounter in my daily life.