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Computer Science

Course Description

In this class, we learn about the basics of different coding languages, such as Java and HTML, and use Eclipse to work through labs and projects. We also learn to develop our own personal websites, which you are looking at now. We have learned about different data types, objects, AWT graphics, static arrays, and array lists. Scroll to see some of my favorite labs so far!

Line Art Lab

This lab helped introduce us to for loops and how they work. The goal was to create a series of straight lines inside a rectangle so that they appear to be curved. I enjoyed this lab because it was fun to experiment with what would happen if parameters were changed. I was also able to change the color of the lines, which I did in a variety of ways. My code is embedded below. Click on this link if you can't see the file.

Bulgarian Solitaire

This program was part of our introduction to Array Lists. It simulates a game of Bulgarian Solitaire, where a triangular number of cards is distributed until it reaches a series of piles of 1, 2, 3, etc. I liked working on this lab because I made a lot of mistakes in the beginning. Working through them helped me to better understand how array lists work and it was satisfying once I figured it out. My code is embedded here - try it out for yourself! Click on this link if you can't see the file.