
Our Class

The collaborative immersion Spanish course focuses on acquiring language proficiency through the use of authentic materials, including literature, music, film, discussions, and games. Ms. Wildfong teaches us to understand grammar in meaningful contexts and engage in project-based learning as we produce podcasts, make movies, and engage in small group projects. We are assessed on our individual progress via video, audio, and written portfolios.

Listening Log

Throughout the course of junior year, we have worked on our yearlong listening log assignment. Each term, we are required to add a minimum of ten entries to the log. An entry involves listening to something in Spanish such as a podcast, movie, or song. The minimum amount of time for each log is twenty minutes. Personally, I chose a lot of songs because I already listen to Spanish music a lot and enjoy it very much. This assignment helped me build confidence in my Spanish speaking ability and at the same time enjoy the work that I was doing. At the time this is being uploaded, we are only halfway through the year thus there are only twenty entries.

Ensayo de NiƱez

In A term this year, we explored the significance of childhood on who a person becomes. To understand this concept our class referred to various films and books. One of the films that I enjoyed this year from this unit was "Viva Cuba" in which two children run away to find their father at a lighthouse in Southern Cuba. For the essay, we needed to write about an aspect of our childhood and the impact that it has had over the years. I decided to write about my experience moving to Pittsburgh in 6th grade.