In this computer science class, taught by Ms. Taricco, we focus on learning the fundamentals of programming using Java. Throughout the course, I've gained hands-on experience with coding concepts, problem-solving, and software development techniques. I will also be showcasing some of the programs I've created as part of the class to give you a better idea of the skills and projects that we have worked on.
One of my favorite exercises this year was Bulgarian Solitaire as me and my friends were able to work really well together in completing this and building upon our programming skills. The game begins with a random triangular number of cards, N, such as 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, or 45. These cards are subsequently divided into a random number of randomly sized piles. For example, if N was 21 there could be three piles of 2, 6, and 13. Each turn after this one is subtracted from each pile and added to a new pile. So for the 2, 6, and 13 example the piles on the next turn would be 1, 5, 12, and 3. The solitaire is over when the piles have size 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, in some order, although with the example of 21 cards the highest number in this sequence would be 6.
Another program I completed this year involved designing a class that represents a star and using a filled polygon to draw the star
in applet. Ten stars were drawn and randomly distributed across the screen, each with its own random size. I liked this program as it
required a lot of mathematical work and improved my understanding of the geometry behind polygons.
Sample Output: