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This course takes an algebra and calculus-based approach to investigate and model connections between concepts, equations, and graphs. Through classroom discussions and collaborative work, students learn about mechanics, gravitation, electricity, magnetism, waves, and harmonic oscillations. They design, build, and debug their own experiments and lab apparatuses. They analyze their data using statistical methods and report their findings via journal-formatted printouts, poster boards, and slideshow presentations.

Dynamics Lab Investigation

For this assignment, we conducted a dynamics lab investigation to experimentally test a hypothesis related to motion and forces. My group focused on finding the static friction between a surface and a block using a modified Atwood's machine. We varied the mass on the horizontal surface to determine the critical point where the block just started to move, indicating the static friction force. We then graphed our data, using the slope to calculate the coefficient of static friction. This lab helped me understand the relationship between mass, force, and friction while practicing experimental design and data analysis.

Physics POW: Ramp-Projectile Optimization

For this assignment, we were tasked with solving a physics problem of the week (POW) focused on ramp-projectile optimization. The goal was to calculate how far a puck would land after sliding down a ramp and launching off a counter. We analyzed the effects of variables like the ramp angle, friction, and initial height to find the horizontal distance the puck traveled. We also used a coding program to determine the ramp angle that maximized this distance. This assignment helped us apply concepts of energy conservation, kinematics, and optimization in a real-world context while practicing our problem-solving and data analysis skills.