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Welcome to my Math Modeling Page!

This course goes beyond the traditional high school mathematics curriculum by engaging students in open-ended problem solving, computer simulations, and collaborative work. Students use a mathematical approach to model real-world situations through the application of algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics.

Modeling the Future Challenge

The Modeling the Future Challenge is a real-world competition for high school students combining math modeling, data analysis, and risk management into one exciting challenge! To compete, students conduct their own research project modeling real-world data to analyze risks and make recommendations to companies, industry groups, governments, or organizations.

My group and I proposed this idea of Marking the Market and Profiting from Prophecies: Using a Mathematical Model to Reduce the Risk of Stocks to help reduce the financial risks involved in stock trading. Our goal is to create a mathematical model that prevents losses, addresses legal and behavioral risks, and helps investors make safer decisions by using risk mitigation strategies, such as setting limits and providing better predictions.

Epsilon Project

As part of our Problem of the Week (POW), we had to determine the fairest way to hire seven new teachers as the student population at Epsilon School increases from 490 to 630. Our goal is to use enrollment data to see which departments need more support based on class sizes and demand. We considered factors like the number of students in each subject, the current number of teachers, and the ability to share teaching responsibilities in some cases to make sure all students get the support they need.