Welcome to the Humanities Page

In humanities, we learn a combination of social studies, English and history. In the beginning of the year, we looked into our ideal education systems and the positives and negatives of our education system. Later on, we explore topics surrounding race and identity, as well as historical events.

This year, I had a timed essay, where we had to analyze ancient Egyptian poetry. For my essay, I investigated the poem’s use of figurative language and imagery to provide their views on what is important in their ancient world. This paper was written in 1 hour, which was difficult for me, but I am happy with the final work.

Additionally, it can be viewed if you click here.

During Humanities, I also wrote my first group essay. This was a great experience that helped teach me how to incorporate my own thoughts in a paper that others also work on, especially when you have differing opinions to others. Our essay was an analysis on satirical pieces describing consumerism.

Additionally, it can be viewed if you click here.