Welcome to the Computer Science Page

Computer Science is a class where we learn the basics of Java and HTML. Working with HTML and CSS, this website was created. The labs shown below were created with Java.

My Line Art Lab

Earlier this year, we were required to create a program that could create a circular shape in the corners of the screen using only straight lines. For a bonus, you could create that same shape again within the larger shape.

Here is the shape I created, and you can click here to see the code.

My Tax Return Lab My Tax Return Lab

We also created a program that can calculate the tax rates for people based on the different tax brackets.

Pictured are test cases and click here to see the code.

Apps for Good

Here is my app, Jevents

Local events are often difficult to find and not cohesively documented. People need an easy and simple way to navigate to events that they want to attend. The app will take user input of events with location data and display the events to a user. The user will then be able to navigate to events of their choosing. Users of this app might be businesses that want to advertise events or people looking for events to attend.

Jevents displays events in the local area of a user and allows them to RSVP for different events. All events a user is registered for is saved on their account for future reference. This is done through the use of Firebase, a service created by Google. All user and event data is saved there, which allows for easy access and storage for data.

The app appeals to anyone who wants to be made aware of events in their city. This app could be helpful to locals or tourists, as the app gathers events based on live user location data.

To research the problem, we asked people within the city of Worcester about whether or not they felt that they heard about events in the city before hand. Many said they did not, which gave us the idea for the project.

Our design was based on other social media apps. We think it's important that Jevents is easy to use like other social media platforms, while also being functional for those seeking to become aware of events in their area. The app also allows you to RSVP for events, to save the event to your personal event list for future reference.

The app utilizes location data to not only create events but to also output events to users within a certain radius around the location of the event.

The app relies on user input for events to be listed, as business owners or citizens who are aware of apps can log onto Jevents and post events for anyone with the app in the area to see.

First Screenshot of Jevents Second Screenshot of Jevents