
Math Modeling is a class taught by Mrs. Burns. This class goes beyond traditional math curriculum by exposing students to challenging open-ended problems focused on promoting collaboration. In this class, I have applied my prior knowledge of algebra I and II, precalculus, calculus, and trigonometry to new and exciting problems.

The Modeling the Future Challenge (MTFC) is a math competition where high school students combine math modeling, data analysis, and risk management to predict how current trends and factors will impact the future. The file above is my teams project proposal for our topic and research question. Our project is focused on the esports market and how it compares to other sport markets. This proposal was successful as we were moved on to be semi-finalists.

Problems of the week (POWs) are different math problems that groups of three are assigned to solve and write a paper on within the week it was given. Above is one of my group's POW paper. Within this paper, you will find the problem statement, our process while attempting to solve it, our solution, and a few extensions we created. The problem above is our Birthday POW; we were tasked to create an algorithm that allowed someone to identify what day of the week they were born on. We solved this using modular arithmetic. The hardest part of this problem was keeping leap years into consideration and explaining our solution in a way that made sense.