Methylene Blue as a Means to Bypass the Compromised Complex I in Mitochondrial Disease

Given the nature of their condition - rapid tissue degeneration as a result of an ATP deficit, among other factors - mitochondrial disease MD patients undergo surgery frequently throughout their lifetimes. Propofol, isoflurane, and other common anesthetics pose a significant health risk to this patient population, however. Blockage of ubiquinone-binding sites in Complex I lead to electron leakage, and unused or "leaked"" electrons exposed to oxygen can become reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Pereira, 2023). ROS prematurely oxidize cellular components like lipids and proteins, leading to severe tissue damage. For patients with a Complex I mutation, the resultant exacerbation of existing symptoms is often fatal. This study aims to determine whether methylene blue can act as an alternative electron carrier in the Electron Transport Chain when Complex I is inhibited.

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