This website was brought to you by: CS Class. Taught by Mrs. Taricco, CS covers the material taught in AP Computer Science A, as well as the rudiments of HTML and CSS (which you see in use on this project!). Exercises and labs in this class incorporate interesting programs, such as games, as a way to reinforce technical concepts in an engaging and applicable way. Additionaly, we participate in the American Computer Science League (ACSL) competition, which offers two levels of difficulty to accommodate different coding backgrounds. This year, the Classroom Division (for people newer to CS, like myself) consists of 10 multiple-choice questions that include a range of skills, from base-arithmetic, to recursive functions, to reading and understanding basic code segments.
The HiLow game was coded as a part of a homework called "Iteration Exercises". The program is a simple guess-the-number style game, where users are told whether their guesses are too high or low until they win. It was a fun way to practice using while and for-loops, and as a total novice, seeing the game actually work was super gratifying. I also enjoyed trying to win my own game (I've gotten it in one guess far too many times for it to be a coincidence, so I'm pretty sure I'm psychic or something.) and getting to write the computer's occasionally-sassy responses.
What are all of the prime numbers up until a certain point? The Sieve of Eratosthenes is an algorithm dating back to Ancient Greece that is used to answer this question, and we were tasked with coding it. My program asks for a user's input, which serves as the upper bound for the sieve, and then calculates all of the prime numbers until that limit using Static Arrays. The biggest challenge with this one was to find a method for determining whether a number is prime without having to divide it by every prime before it.