In humanities, we explore a lot of topics that are not commonly discussed in school. For example, we discussed the school system as it currently exists, and wrote an essay on some of its flaws. We have also started a unit on race and identity, which is usually a topic avoided in school. In our humanities class, we have done more than just writing essays. We have made skits, videos, and learned through other forms that we normally don't get to do in regular school.
We read Walden over the summer, and instead of writing an essay on it, we wrote skits, which we then presented to the class. It was interesting to see how everyone's skit had different themes and main ideas, but still incorporated the same parts. For example, everyone used beans and woodchuck in their skits due to their minor importance, but still being funny. Our skit was themed like a National Geographic video, observing Thoreau as he lives his solitary life in the woods. It was creative and the fun part was working with others to come up with unique ideas.
The education essay was an interesting project as we got to make and answer our own prompt about the education system as it exists today. It was both stimulating and educating to listen to everyone's ideas as some people compared the United States education system to those of other countries. Everyone had a certain opinion, and it was good to hear about so many different points of views. My essay was determining if the United States education system prepared people for life after high school. As I started to dig into my analysis, I realized that I had not yet graduated, and could not really answer the question from my experience. So, I created a survey and asked some of the adults who had gone through the American school system for their thoughts and opinions.