public class


public static void main (String[] args) {
String about =
" Language is taught by Sra. Wildfong. I take Advanced Spanish as a part of group B(est). The class is immersive, taught fully in Spanish. We have watched Spanish movies and TV shows, read various Spanish texts, and do various fun Spanish activities." ;
public static void memes () {
String description =
"To practice our language skills, we created memes. This was a really fun project. I worked with Rishab; our creations are shown below." ;
public static void unCuentoDeMiNiñez () {
String description =
"We had to write an original essay about our childhood after reading the short story, 'El Día que Terminó mi Niñez.' I wrote about my first time ice skating as a child. I had never written a full essay in Spanish before, so this was an interesting and valuable experience." ;