Through a three-joint robotic arm, I hope to help librarians keep shelves organized by
removing books that aren't in alphabetical order. The robot is mostly 3D printed and there
are servos at each joint. The claw is pulled open by a servo motor with spools attached to
each part of the claw. There is a Raspberry Pi attached to an Arduino UNO that runs a program
to identify books from a picture. The Arduino is there to control the motors.
The original cardboard model of the arm. Many aspects of this arm were changed, but the
general shape was kept. The claw in this model is controlled by a piece of string.
The second cardboard model of the arm. The claw in this model is controlled by a spur gear
and an inverse gear. This arm was more similar to the final version, but the final claw was a lot
more similar to the initial claw.
The first draft of the wiring for the robot. This model wasn't viable for controlling all of
the servo motors because of the stress that would put on the Arduino. Instead, the final version
uses an I2C motor driver.