Advanced Spanish, taught by Señora Wildfong, is an immersion class here at MAMS where we only speak in the target language, Spanish. The class is unique because students come from many different Spanish backgrounds at their sending schools, so the lessons are made to be adaptable and work for everyone. We learn Spanish through fun activities like board games, music, TV shows, and movies, which make the class really engaging and fun. The main focus of this class is learning different verb tenses. We also do some routine assignments we do for every term, Vocab lists and Listening Logs. These assignments help us better understand the target language, as well as display it. One of the best parts of this class is making our Cortometrajes (short films) in small groups, where we get to use what we learned in Spanish creatively and have fun while doing it.
One particular assignment we did in this class was an essay describing our individual childhoods. We could write a one-page essay, using our knowledge on the preterite and imperfect tenses. It was nice to reminisce on my childhood as a part of this essay, thinking back on some of my favorite parts of it, as I was writing the essay.
During B Term, we were given an assignment in which we had to create memes, using our knowledge on tenses and proper Spanish grammar. I enjoyed this assignment, as it allowed us to showcase our Spanish knowledge, as well as create some memes that displayed some inside jokes here at MAMS.