Human-Inspired Robotics Lab

Zhi (Jane) Li (

Jun 28th, 2017

RBE 595 – Synergy of Human and Robotic Systems


Zhi Jane Li

Office: 85 Prescott 223C

Email: zli11 [at]

Time & Location: Mon & Wed, 1:00-2:20pm at OH109

Office Hour: Mon & Thurs, 3:00-4:00pm at Instructor’s office (tentative)

Piazza Discussion Website:


This course covers topics on (1) the design and motion control of robotic systems that can be directly controlled by human (e.g., exoskeletons), teleoperated by human (e.g., tele-medical robot) and collaborate with human (e.g., humanoid nursing robot), and (2) how human and robotic systems can synergistically work towards a shared goal to achieve high overall performance. Students will how to analyze and control the motion of human and robots, and to unite the knowledge in these two fields in the applications such as bio-inspired motion control, shared-autonomous control, and robot learning from human demonstrations. Students are expected to work individually on math problems, implement Matlab simulations, conduct literature review, and collaborate on course projects. Based on their background and research interest, students can choose among course projects that focus on mechanical design, control and learning algorithm, and studies on human motion and human-robot interaction.


Undergraduate Linear Algebra, kinematics and dynamics in robotics, basic statistics, and programming experience in Matlab.


Course Syllabus:

Course schedule:


  1. In-Class Participation and Preparation 10%
  2. Quizzes 15%
  3. Assignments 40%
  4. Course project 35%

Lecture Slides:

  1. Introduction to Course
  2. Introduction to Course Topics
  3. Introduction to Course Projects
  4. Biomechanics
  5. Forward Kinematics
  6. Inverse Kinematics
  7. Kinematic Redundancy Part I
  8. Kinematic Redundancy Part II
  9. Upper Limb Exoskeleton for Stroke Rehabilitation
  10. Lower limb Exoskeleton for Stroke Rehabilitation
  11. Feedback Control: continuous system
  12. Feedback Control: Transfer function and Simulink
  13. Control Stability of Networked Haptics
  14. Control Stability of Networked Haptics (cont)
  15. Framework of learning from demonstration
  16. Social Learning
  17. L17-Demonstration
  18. L18-Low Level Learning
  19. L19-Low Level Learning
  20. L20-EMG
  21. L21-High Level Learning
  22. L22-High Level Learning


  1. Assignment-01 (due August 28)
  2. Assignment-02 (due September 4 )
  3. Assignment-03 (due September 11 )
  4. Assignment-04 Part 1 (due September 18 )
  5. Assignment-04 Part 2 (due September 20 )
  6. Assignment-05 (due September 25 )
  7. Assignment-06 (due October 2)
  8. Project Proposal: Chapter 1-2 (due October 2)
  9. Assignment-07 (due October 9)
  10. Assignment-08 (due October 23)
  11. Full Project Proposal (due October 23)
  12. Assignment-09 Project Peer Review Part 1 (due Octorber 30)
  13. Assignment-09 Project Peer Review Part 2 (due November 6)
  14. Assignment-10 (due November 13)
  15. Assignment-11 (due November 13)
  16. Assignment-12 (due November 20)
  17. Assignment-13 (due November 27)
  18. Assignment-14 (due December 4)
  19. Assignment-15 (due December 4)
  20. Assignment-15 Extra credit (due December 11)


The instructor reserves the right to modify the course outline and policies mentioned in this syllabus at any time during the term.