SetTest is an R package for providing cumulative distribution function, quantile, p-value, statistical power calculator, and random number generator for a collection of group-testing procedures, including the Higher Criticism tests, the one-sided Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, the one-sided Berk-Jones tests, the one-sided phi-divergence tests, etc.
Qapprox is an R package for approximating the distribution of quadratic forms of Gaussian variables. It calculates the right-tail probability for the convenience of calculating the p-value in applying hypothesis testing. The methods include the skewness-kurtosis ratio matching method, a modified Liu-Tang-Zhang method, and the Satterthwaite-Welch method.
GFisher is an R package for a generalized Fisher's p-value combination method.
TFisher is an R package for thresholding Fisher's p-value combination method.
MarkerSearchPower is an R package for calculating the statistical power of detecting disease markers based on model selection strategies.