
Research Data

Data related to

Simulation codes and data for the GFisher study can be found onlineor download here. [biom13634-sup-0002-codes]

Data related to

- 2,179 genes and 4,802 SNPs that were reported in literature to be associated with osteoporosis, BMD related traits, and bone fracture.

- novel genes in the significantly enriched GOs and pathways found by gene-set enrichment study based on top-hit genes from individual GEFOS studies.

- SNP annotation results from novel blocks that can be mapped to strong enhancers of literature genes

- Novel association hits of haplotype blocks.

- Significant GO terms and pathways using the top-hit genes from 9 individual data sets.

- 143 pathways involved in the enrichment analysis (by KOBAS-i) of pooled 173 top genes.


Data can be found onlineor download here. [6303375]