WPI Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Computer Science Department

CS 3516 - Computer Networks - B24

Version: Fri. 9/23 21:34:50 EST 2024


Home Class Info Schedule Assignments Reading Materials


Class Information:

When/where: T,F 2:00pm - 3:50pm, in-person at AK233
The lectures will also be streamed and recorded on Canvas Echo360
Web: http://wpi.edu/~yli15/courses/CS3516Fall24B/


    yanhua li Prof. Yanhua Li
    Office hour sessions:
    Email: yli15 at wpi.edu
    Website: http://wpi.edu/~yli15/

TA/SA and Office Hours:

    TA: Huynh, Tran Ngoc Bao
    SA: Martin, Adelynn
    SA: Tam, Connor

    Office hours can be found on Canvas.

Course Description:

    This course provides a broad view of computer networks. The course exposes students to all seven layers of OSI Reference Model while providing an introduction into newer topics such as wireless networking and Internet traffic concerns. The objective is to focus on an understanding of fundamental concepts of modern computer network architecture from a design and performance perspective. Topics covered include: physical layer considerations, network protocols, wide area networks, local area networks, wireless networks, switches and routing, congestion, Internet traffic and network security. Students will be expected to do systems/network programming and make use of simulation and measurement tools to gain an appreciation of current network design and performance issues. Recommended background: CS 2303 or CS 2301.


    Jim Kurose and Keith Ross
    Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach (8th Edition) Addison Wesley, 2021.
    ISBN-10: 9780136681557
    Should be available from bookstore/publisher in paperback
    Available used from (e.g., Pearson)

Coursework and Evaluation:

    The grading system for this course is A,B,C, and NR (without +/-).
    30% - Quizzes
    30% - Projects
    15% - Mid-Term Exam
    15% - Final Exam
    10% - Labs
    Note:Please see the "Important Dates" for the timing of labs and projects in the Assignments page. The labs, projects, and exams must be done individually. Students are strongly encouraged to form "ad hoc" study groups, discuss and help each other understand and explore the course materials!

Submission Policy:

    Homework assignments, project reports/documentations must be submitted on-line or dropped off to the TA before the specified due date and time.
    Note: If you have questions regarding the grading of your homework assignments, projects, or exams, you must come to see either the instructor or the TAs within two weeks after the date your homework assignments, projects or exam have been returned to you. If you cannot see us within two weeks, you need to email us within two weeks and make an appointment. If you believe that your homework assignments, projects or exam have been lost, please notify us as soon as possible (within two weeks) [Incidentally, this should not happen, as we will require you to submit your homework assignments, projects and exam electronically!]. We are not responsible for missing homework assignments, projects or exams two weeks after they have been returned.

Scholastic Conduct

    Scholastic conduct must be acceptable. Specifically, you must do your reviews/homework assignments on your own. You may discuss the assignments with anyone and use any reference material, provided that you do not copy any other persons' work. Any student who is involved in plagiarism (whether you copy others' answers or provide yours to others) will be dealt with in accordance with WPI Academic Honesty Policy.

yli15 at wpi.edu