Course Information | Homework Assignments | Mini Projects | Test Preview | Announcements & Hints
Final Exam |
Date: December 15, 2014
Place: HL230
Time: 7:00 to 9:00 pm
Part 1
General information:
Open-text & open-notes event. This portion of the Final will test your theoretical knowledge and require some "manual" computations: calculators (not MATLAB, not Maple, etc.) will be needed for arithmetic operations.
Methods for numerical solution of initial value problems and boundary value problems.
Concepts which should be under unconditional control:
Initial value problems:Boundary value problems:
- Euler's and the Taylor's methods
- The Runge-Kutta methods.
- The shooting method for linear BVPs with Dirichlet and general/mixed boundary conditions
- The finite-difference method for linear BVPs with Dirichlet boundary conditions
Similar problems:
Part 2
General information:
This part of the Final will test your skills in solving course-related problems with MATLAB - more specifically, with the functions in your MATLAB Library compiled during the term. Therefore, the MATLAB part will be comprehensive - all five topics of the course will be covered.
MATLAB's *.m files - your versions of the collected MATLAB Procedures: implementations of numerical methods, algorithms, and supplementary functions related to interpolation, approximation, numerical integration, initial value problems and boundary value problems.
Five computational problems requiring the use ofTechnical instructions:
MATLAB is installed in all computers in the computer lab HL230. Alternatively, one can use his/her own laptop with MATLAB.
If you are using the lab computer, probably the easiest way to do that is to bring to the Exam all the scripts on a memory stick. Alternatively, the files could be put in your home (Linux) directory and could be accessed through the network.
The solutions should be presented in a report made as a Word file. A template of the report, a Word file with formulations of all problems, will be provided - it will be e-mailed to the whole class during the First Part of the Final.
Include in the report the MATLAB commands (or short scripts) which were used for solving the problems. Show graphical results/output required to be generated. Do not include excessive/intermediate/supplementary numerical data or big tables of numbers. Add some concise verbal comments clarifying the solution and what is shown in the report.
Use regular Word's Print command with the default HL230 printer. Your job will be released for printing from the printer's monitor system.
It would be a good idea to visit HL230 during the day hours to familiarize yourself with the facilities. The room will be made available for the Exam soon after 6:30 pm.
Midterm No 2 |
Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Place: OH223
Time: 2:00 pm
General information:
Open-text & open-notes event. Theoretical knowledge (necessarily including the skills in the relevant "manual" computations) will be tested. Calculators, therefore, will be needed to do arithmetic operations.
Numerical integration - the Composite Trapezoid and Simpson's Rules, Romberg Integration, and Gaussian quadratures.
Concepts which should be under unconditional control:
Similar problems in the HW assignments:
Midterm 1 |
Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2013
Place: OH223
Time: 2:00 pm
General information:
Open-text & open-notes event. Theoretical knowledge (necessarily including the skills in the relevant "manual" computations) will be tested. Calculators, therefore, will be needed to do arithmetic operations.
Interpolation, approximations, numerical differentiation.
Concepts which should be under an unconditional control:
Similar problems in the HW assignments:
Course Information | Homework Assignments | Mini Projects | Test Preview | Announcements & Hints
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