Course Information | Homework Assignments | MATLAB Projects | Test Preview | Announcements & Hints
Instructor: |
Vadim V. Yakovlev
Office: SH104C
Phone: x 5495
Classes & Office Hours: |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
Lectures @ SH203 |
8:00-8:50 am | 8:00-8:50 am | - | 8:00-8:50 am | 8:00-8:50 am |
Office Hours @ SH104C *) |
- | 2:00-2:50 pm | - | - | 1:00-1:50 pm |
Course Objectives: |
The course's primary aim is to introduce the students to a wide range of real-world optimization problems and their interpretation as linear programs and discuss the aspects of the Simplex Method - the basic instrument of their solution.
Upon completing the course the students will:
learn the terminology of Linear Programming,
understand how the Simple Method works, and
find out how to formulate and solve the relevant real-life problems.
Main Topics: | Course Contents: | |
Four 1-hour lectures a week Homework problems - Quizzes Two MATLAB projects Midterm Final Exam |
Useful Resources: |
M.S. Bazaraa, J.J. Jarvis, and H.D. Sherali, Linear Programming and Network Flows, 2nd Edition, John Wiley, 1990.
Other Sources:
Grading Scheme: |
The 100% course grade is based on:
Topic Quizzes (25%, 5 times, 5% each),
Projects (30%, 2 projects, 15% each),
Midterms (20%),
Final Exam (25%).
Point ranges derived to percents for grades are given by:
Percentage | 90.00 | 80.00 - 89.99 | 70.00 - 79.99 | 69.99 |
Grade | A | B | C | NR |
Homework & Quizzes: |
Many valuable aspects of the course material will be supported by practical exercises to be made at home. The list of recommended problems can be found on the Homework Assignments page.
Papers with the homework problems will not be handed in, so each student should take a personal responsibility for doing sufficient study and practice.
There will be five 15-min quizzes composed from the selected homework problems assigned in the preceding classes. Using notebooks will be allowed when doing the quiz.
MATLAB Projects: |
Your work on the 2nd and 3rd main topics will be accompanied by two projects. They should be completed by the end of corresponding parts of the course and presented to the class in the MATLAB Project Days. The printed reports are due in class the same days (see Schedule of Events below.)
The objective of the projects is essential for the course: they should give you an experience in using the LP methods for solving applied real-life problems. You will work on the projects in pairs; the pairs should be formed by Mon, August 30 (partially by assignment).
To complete the projects, additional reading and MATLAB practicing may be necessary. The project tasks and instructions can be found on the MATLAB Projects page.
Midterm & Final Exam: |
There will a Midterm covering Part 1 of the course; in the Final Exam you will demonstrate your familiarity with the material of Parts 2 and 3.
The Midterm and the Final are open-book & open-notes events. Two days prior to the test, its description will appear on the Test Preview page. Partial take-home policy will be applied: the theoretical problems will be posted there, so you could think of them in advance (and even collaborate with your classmates). No notes, however, will be allowed when answering those questions during the tests.
Bonuses & Other Policies: |
There will be opportunities to earn bonus points. The Midterm and the Final will contain bonus problems. Also, the outstanding projects can be awarded by some bonuses at the instructor's discretion.
Students are responsible for learning the basics of MATLAB on their own. Supportive material (including the links to the Internet resources) is provided on the web page about the related MATLAB Scripts. It is therefore presumed that the class discussion of the MATLAB technicalities will be reduced to a minimum.
No make up of the missed Quizzes and the Midterm will be possible, and no late Project submissions will be accepted unless there is a legitimate reason which can be documented (an illness or another unavoidable emergency).
All important course-related information which becomes available (including answers to FAQ) will be posted on the Announcements & Hints page.
Schedule of Events: |
Part I: Introduction to Linear Programming: August 26 - September
Part II: The Simplex Method: September 13 - September 28
Part III: Sensitivity Analysis and Duality: September 30 - October
Course Information | Homework Assignments | MATLAB Projects | Test Preview | Announcements & Hints
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