Calculus IV

MA1024 D'17 D03 & D04

Lectures: Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri: 9:00 am (D03, HL202) & 10 am (D04, SH308)

Conferences: Mon: 11:00 am (D03, SH106) & Fri: 12:00 noon (D04, SH304)

How to Succeed Homework Assignments N e w s Test Preview Mathematicians Biographies

I n s t r u c t o r :
Vadim V. Yakovlev
Phone: x5495
Office: SH104C
Teaching Assistant:
Jiankun Bi
Office: SL405
Office hours:
Mon: 4:00-5:00 pm
Thu: 3:00-4:00 pm
and by appointment

Office hours:
Tue: 2:30-3:30 pm
Fri: 2:30-3:30 pm
and by appointment

Course Information
Major Objective

In this course, you'll learn the basics of Multivariable Calculus: elements of geometry in space as well as differentiation and integration in n-space. By the end of the term, you will explore a number of crucial features of functions of more than one variable and be able to perform partial differentiation and multiple integration.

General Information

Text: G.B. Thomas, Jr., M.D. Weir, and J. Hass, Thomas' Calculus. Early Transcendentals, 13th Edition, 2014.

Web Site:

Course Structure:

Main Topics:
  • The Derivative in n-Space (Partial Differentiation)
  • The Integral in n-Space (Multiple Integration)
Grading Scheme:
Maple Labs (15%, 6 x 2.5% each),
Quizzes (24%, 6 x 4% each),
Tests 1 & 2 (20% each),
Test 3 (21%)
Quizzes, labs, and tests will have their own 30, 100, and 100 point scores respectively. The perfect scores correspond to the presented percentages.

Point ranges (in percents) for grades are given by: A: 100% - 90%; B: 90% - 80%; C: 80% - 70%; NR: < 70%.


Conference meetings held to facilitate your learning and help you with the course practical work will be run under the guidance of Jiankun Bi, the Teaching Assistant (TA) in this course. He will be also responsible for three Test Preview Help Sessions (see Section Examinations below). Conferences will be focused on solving problems associated with the main topics of the course material.

Computer Labs

The Lab Sessions will be organized in order to let you gain experience with Maple Computer Algebra System and its use in the problems related to Multivariable Calculus. The course includes six meetings in the Computer Lab (SH003) (see the Schedule of Events). The Labs will be dedicated to the following topics (not firmly associated with particular dates yet):

Math Instruments Lab 1. Surfaces
Lab 2. Laplace Heat and Wave Equations
Lab 3. Directional Derivatives
Lab 4. Extrema
Lab 5. Area and Volume with Double Integrals
Lab 6. Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates

Each lab should be completed and turned in during the same lab period it is introduced. The work in the lab will be done under the guidance of Jane Bouchard and Dina Rassias, the Instructor Assistants in this course.

Home Work & Quizzes
Practice problems will be given for each topic covered - assigned problems will be listed in the Homework Assignments section. Homework is not handed in, so each student should take a personal responsibility for doing sufficient study and practice. Alternatively, to evaluate your course progress, six 15-minute quizzes will be offered throughout the course. The quiz problems will be chosen from the homework assignments made in a few preceding classes. The quizzes will be held in the beginning of the lecture meetings in accordance with the Schedule of Events.
IMPORTANT: a reproduction of only final answers in the quiz paper will result in no credit - we rather look for complete solutions including all steps and shown in full math notation.

Three Tests will cover all main topics of the course. The Tests are scheduled for the days following the lecture consideration of the topics covered in several preceding classes; therefore, the last Test (No 3) is not comprehensive.

The web Test Preview will give you clear ideas about Tests' contents: corresponding information, instructions, and sample problems will be posted there two days before the event. Special Test Preview Help Sessions will take place prior to each examination:
For Test 1 (Tue, Mar 28) => Test Preview: Mon, Mar 27, 3:00-4:00 pm, SH308
For Test 2 (Thur, Apr 13) => Test Preview: Wed, Apr 12, 4:00-5:00 pm, SH106
For Test 3 (Mon, May 1) => Test Preview: Sun, Apr 30, 3:00-4:00 pm, SH106

Bonus Points and Other Policies

There will be opportunities to earn bonus points during this course. Each Test will include a bonus problem. Also, you may get bonus points for an excellent quiz at the instructor's discretion.

When working on your homework problems, remember that you are expected to show all work on paper in full notation. Calculators are not needed for that, though they may help to check the results. Evaluations of math expressions, derivatives, integrals, etc. obtained using calculators, computer algebra systems (Maple, MATLAB, etc.), or some web engines will not be accepted.
I M P O R T A N T :
Adaptations & Accommodations

If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or if you have medical information to share with me that may impact your performance or participation in this course, please make an appointment with your instructor as soon as possible. If you have approved accommodations, please request your accommodation letters online through the Office of Disability Services student portal.

Students with disabilities who need to utilize accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS) as soon as possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. This office can be contacted via email:, via phone: (508) 831-4908, or in person: Daniels Hall First Floor 124.
Academic Dishonesty

WPI's Academic Honesty policy, definitions and examples of academic dishonesty, and other info on the subject (including explanations of the steps that will be taken if students are suspected of violating the policy) can be found at Each student should familiarize him/herself with this info. All acts of fabrication, plagiarism, cheating, and facilitation will be prosecuted according to the university's policy. If you are ever unsure as to whether your intended actions are considered academically honest or not, see your instructor.

Additional Resources and Help

The following resources are strongly recommended to be used for individual and/or group discussions aiming to assist in learning and understanding the meanings of the course's points of conceptual and practical value:

Selected recommendations of your predecessors (i.e., students in my MA1024 courses taught in several previous academic years) provide you with explicit guidelines how to survive and be successful in this Calculus course.

Syllabus & Schedule of Events

Partial Derivatives: Functions of several variables (14.1). Limits, continuity, partial derivatives (14.2, 14.3).
  • Lecture meetings: March 13, 14, 16, 17
  • Conference: March 13 (D03), 17 (D04)
  • Lab 1: March 15, 16
Partial Derivatives (cont'd): Chain Rule (14.4). Directional derivatives and the gradient (14.5).
  • Lecture meetings: March 20, 21, 23, 24
  • Conference: March 20 (D03), 24 (D04)
  • Quiz 1: Mon, March 20
  • Lab 2: March 22, 23
Partial Derivatives (cont'd): Linear approximations & differentials (14.6). Multivariable optimization (14.7).
  • Lecture meetings: March 27, 30, 31
  • Conference: March 27 (D03), 31 (D04)
  • Quiz 2: Mon, March 27
  • Lab 3: March 29, 30
  • Test Preview Help Session #1: Mon, March 27
  • TEST #1: Tue, March 28
Multiple Integrals: Double integrals; iterated integrals, double integrals over non-rectangular regions (15.1, 15.2).
  • Lecture meetings: April 3, 4, 6, 7
  • Conference: April 3 (D03), 7 (D04)
  • Quiz 3: Tue, April 4
  • Lab 4: April 5, 6
Multiple Integrals (cont'd): Area by double integration (15.3). Double integrals in polar coordinates (15.4).
  • Lecture meetings: April 10, 11, 14
  • Conference: April 10 (D03), 14 (D04)
  • Quiz 4: Mon, April 10
  • Lab 5: April 12, 13
  • Test Preview Help Session #2: Wed, April 12
  • TEST #2: Thur, April 13
Multiple Integrals (cont'd): Triple integrals (15.5). Moments and centers of mass (15.6)
  • Lecture meetings: April 18, 21, 24, 25
  • Conference: April 21 (D04), 24 (D03)
  • Quiz 5: Fri, April 21
Multiple Integrals (cont'd): Integration in spherical coordinates (15.7). Change of variables (15.8)
  • Lecture meetings: April 27, 28
  • Conference: April 28 (D04)
  • Quiz 6: Thur, April 27
  • Lab 6: April 26, 27
  • Test Preview Help Session #3: Sun, April 30
  • TEST #3: Mon, May 1
NB: There is no class on Tue, May 2

How to Succeed Homework Assignments N e w s Test Preview Mathematicians' Biographies

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Last modified: Fri, March 17, 2017