ME 3901 Engineering Experimentation

Mechanical Engineering Department

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Statistical Analysis of Experimental Data

·         Uncertainty Formulation

·         Averages and Least Square Deviations

·         Uncertainty of a Mean

·         Chi-Squared Test  

·         Gaussian Distribution

·         Chauvenet’s Criterion

·         Least Squares Linear Regression



Statistical Analysis of Experimental Data


Most “Results” are obtained from multiple measurements of different parameters (length, width, height, mass, etc.). 


The “Uncertainty” of this result is a function of the uncertainties of each parameter used to obtain the result.  Hence, one expresses the uncertainty of the result wr, in terms of the uncertainty of the independent measurements, wi


How does one determine the uncertainty of each individual parameter?

          Manufacturer Accuracy/Precision Statements

          The least count (or half that) of the scale

          The standard deviation of a set of measurements used

                   to determine the parameter value.

Frequently, it is desired to obtain the ‘average’ value of the parameter.  What is the average?  There are 3 generally accepted definitions of average: the mean, median, and mode.


Arithmetic Mean:                           



Deviation:                              di = Xi - Xm



Standard (root-mean-square) deviation


Population Biased                



Sample Unbiased                 



Generally, if N > 20, then the difference between population and sample standard-deviation values is small and the population statistics can be used.



Example:  What is the uncertainty of the arithmetic mean?












The uncertainty of the mean is:    



Median – the ‘Middle’ value of all ranked readings






Mode – the ‘most frequent’ value of all readings.



Primary applications for Median and Mode include:

          Field measurements,

          Contaminant measurements



Sometimes alternate “means” are required.


Geometric Mean

          Phenomena which grow relative to itself, i.e. population statistics






The ‘arithmetic mean’ is the most common statistic used when reporting a parameter value.  The standard deviation is a quantifiable statement about the spread of parameter values taken to obtain the mean.  This variation in parameter readings can be expressed in terms of probability.




If “Independent” events occur the probability of all events is the product




Ex:  What is the probability that 3 consecutive rolls of a die (pl. dice) will each land on 6?



It is advisable not to rely on one measurement, but rather to carry out repeated measurements.  If the die were rolled repeatedly and measurements plotted a histogram can be created which plots the frequency of occurrence relative to the bin.



In this situation, one would expect all 6 bins to be roughly equal.  Are they?  This is a decision frequently required in engineering experimentation.  That is, one assumes the probability of rolling a ‘1’ is the same as rolling a ‘3’, etc.  But chance can effect this ‘perfect’ assumption and one must decide if the ‘dice’ are loaded.


A Chi-Squared test is used to answer the question.



where M = number of groups (not trials).  Frequency is used extensively.


Consider the previous histogram situation:  roll of die à 71 trials, expect about 12 occurrences



One uses Chi-Squared value with a degree of freedom value, F, as in Table 3.6 of the Holman text.


                   F = M – K

                             where K = constraints or restrictions, M = groups


In this case, F = 6-1 and P ~ 0.83 which would indicate that the observed data was a reasonable outcome for the expected value.

M = 6 for the possible die outcomes and K=1 since our only constraint was that we had a fixed number of samples.


Generally, expect: 0.1< P < 0.9; otherwise, suspect foul data.


Frequently, one is measuring a parameter with an expected single answer, such as the length of a table top.  However, each time one measures it there are slight differences in the length.  When plotted as a histogram the results might look like:



Gaussian Distribution:

If more and more measurements were performed and the cells made smaller such that , then a distribution function would result.



The shape of the distribution function can be ‘normal’, i.e. bell-shaped.  The function could be skewed or multi-modal behaviors might exist. As with the roll of the die, is a distribution function considered normal despite some shape ‘anomalies’?



A normal (or Gaussian) distribution gives the probability of a measurement and is expressed as:



The coefficients are designed such that when integrated over the entire possible range of data the probability sums to unity:



Note: when x = xm the e() term drops out and the maximum distribution function value is:



which occurs at the mean location.


Generally, one is interested in knowing the probability that a value will exist within a banded window.  Frequently, this window can be expressed in terms of the mean and std. dev.





and x1 is the deviation from the mean.


In this form, standard tables exist such as Table 3.2 of Holman text:







Note that h1 is the ‘number of standard deviations’ about the mean.  For h1 = 1, the table states that 68.3% of the data would lie within one std. dev. of the mean. 


Study this Table 3.2 (taken from Holman class recommended text) and be sure you can use it.  One should be able to determine the percentage of expected values between 1 < h1 < 2, for example.



Chauvenet’s Criterion

          A set of data contains some points that “just don’t look right”.  However, one cannot eliminate data without having some justifiable cause for the removal of data. Chauvenet’s criterion states that if the probability of occurrence is less than 1/(2N) then the data point(s) can be rejected.  This decision can be determined by calculating the h1 value knowing the std. dev.  Then using Table 3.2 find the probability, P, that an observation would range between – h1  and + h1.  If (1-P) < 1/(2N) then discard the point(s).  Once this procedure is performed and any questionable points eliminated, a new mean and std. dev. are calculated.  This criterion is not iterative.  That is, one does not repeat the procedure based on the new mean and standard deviation values.




The method of least squares is also used for curve fitting:


Want the line equation to have a minimum least square error:



There are only 2 parameters (a and b) that can be adjusted to minimize the error.  The minimum will occur when:







Two equations in 2 unknowns (a and b).  Solving for both:




How well does the regression line fit?  Similar to a standard deviation of a mean, we have the standard error estimate of Y



The N-2 is due to two degrees of freedom used in determining the regression line (the a and b constants).


A correlation coefficient, r, is used frequently to describe the goodness of the fit:




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