Central Mass Bird Census Archives, 2003

Central Mass Bird Update homepage.

This is an archive of bird census data from breeding bird surveys, Christmas Counts, or other comprehensive bird surveys in central Massachusetts. To contribute, you can email to rsquimby@wpi.edu or call Rick Quimby at (508) 835-6567 for information on how to submit the census data.

12/20/03 -- Worcester Christmas Count
Here are the results for the Worcester Christmas Count held on Saturday, December 20th:
Common Loon ( 8 )
Horned Grebe ( 2 )
Great Cormorant ( 1 )
Great Blue Heron ( 8 )
Canada Goose ( 362 )
Mute Swan ( 6 )
Wood Duck ( 6 )
American Black Duck ( 131 )
Mallard ( 1143 )
Northern Pintail ( 1 )
Greater Scaup ( 15 )
Lesser Scaup ( 2 )
Bufflehead ( 5 )
Common Goldeneye ( 117 )
Hooded Merganser ( 78 )
Common Merganser ( 37 )
Red-breasted Merganser ( 4 - New High )
Ruddy Duck ( 1 )
Bald Eagle ( 2 - 1 immature and 1 unknown )
Northern Harrier ( 3 - New species for count day; recorded during count
week in 1990 )
Sharp-shinned Hawk ( 6 )
Cooper's Hawk ( 2 )
Red-tailed Hawk ( 47 )
Rough-legged Hawk ( 1 )
Merlin ( 1 )
Peregrine Falcon ( 1 )
Ruffed Grouse ( 2 )
Wild Turkey ( 29 )
American Coot ( 4 )
Ring-billed Gull ( 3467 )
Herring Gull ( 855 )
Great Black-backed Gull ( 726 )
Rock Dove ( 788 )
Mourning Dove ( 462 )
Eastern Screech-Owl ( 6 )
Great Horned Owl ( 5 )
Barred Owl ( 1 )
N. Saw-whet Owl ( 2 )
Belted Kingfisher ( 7 )
Red-bellied Woodpecker ( 31 - New High )
Downy Woodpecker ( 159 - New High )
Hairy Woodpecker ( 22 )
Northern Flicker ( 14 - New High )
Pileated Woodpecker ( 2 )
Blue Jay ( 872 - New High )
American Crow ( 808 )
Common Raven ( 2 )
Horned Lark ( 29 )
Black-capped Chickadee ( 833 )
Tufted Titmouse ( 255 )
Red-breasted Nuthatch ( 92 )
White-breasted Nuthatch ( 275 - New High )
Brown Creeper ( 23 )
Carolina Wren ( 26 )
House Wren ( 1 )
Winter Wren ( 1 )
Golden-crowned Kinglet ( 26 )
Eastern Bluebird ( 6 )
Hermit Thrush ( 3 )
American Robin ( 255 )
Northern Mockingbird ( 51 )
European Starling ( 2906 )
Cedar Waxwing ( 218 )
Yellow-rumped Warbler ( 1 )
American Tree Sparrow ( 319 )
Field Sparrow ( 2 )
Song Sparrow ( 68 )
Swamp Sparrow ( 2 )
White-throated Sparrow ( 193 )
Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored) ( 976 )
Snow Bunting ( 6 )
Northern Cardinal ( 164 - New High )
Red-winged Blackbird ( 20 )
Eastern Meadowlark ( 3 )
Common Grackle ( 2 )
House Finch ( 167 )
Common Redpoll ( 24 )
Pine Siskin ( 22 )
American Goldfinch ( 567 )
House Sparrow ( 1593 - New High )

TOTAL = 80 species
(report from John Liller).

12/16/03 -- Sturbridge CBC
The Sturbridge CBC was held Tuesday, happily in between two weather "events". The area, like most of central MA, had been hammered by snow, ice and bitter cold in the previous weeks. This meant there was 6+inches of snow on the ground with a nice thick ice crust making hiking very unpleasant and pulling off to the side of the road sometimes impossible. Most ponds and even some of the rivers, were frozen. With these conditions, as you can imagine, duck and gull numbers and variety were very low. Food crop was very poor and spotty. Only very small numbers of winter finches were noted. Towns included in the circle include parts of the Brookfields, Sturbridge, Brimfield, Spencer, Holland, Wales, Southbridge, Charlton. Below are the totals:
COMMON LOON (1: amazingly on South Pond (Brookfield/Sturbridge line), which
is spring fed and stays partly open, a loon stayed through the morning and
was seen by three groups before taking off for more promising climes. Not
typical on this count anyway.)
Mute Swan (2: oh joy)
Canada Goose (674)
Wood Duck (2)
Black Duck (61)
Mallard (808: Dan and Deb Berard reported watching Mallards on the ice leap
up to knock berries off a tall bush, which then scattered over the ice and
the rest ate them)
Ring-necked Duck (3)
Buffelhead (2)
C. Goldeneye (1)
Hooded Merganser (75: these ducks are pretty hearty, remaining even in
partially open small rivers when other ducks have long since headed out)
Common Merganser (6: low)
BALD EAGLE (2ad: now becoming yearly on this count)
N. Harrier (1 cw)
Sharp-shinned Hawk (8: new count high)
Cooper's Hawk (15: new count high)
N. Goshawk (1)
(nota bene: 1 accipiter species was seen quickly taking a perched Belted
Red-tailed Hawk (35)
Ring-necked Phaesant (3)
Ruffed Grouse (4)
Wild Turkey (127)
Ring-billed Gull (50: extremely low)
Herring Gull (8: ditto)
Great Black-backed Gull (2)
Rock Dove (1117)
Mourning Dove (692: count high)
E. Screech Owl (3)
Great Horned Owl (8)
Barred Owl (6)
N. Saw-whet Owl (5)
Belted Kingfisher (4)
RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER (59: the growth of the population of this bird in
this circle has been amazing. Through the eight years this count has run,
the totals of Red-bellieds have been: 9, 10, 10, 17, 24, 20, 28 and now 59!
They thrive in the riparian woodlots that this circle has a good deal of)
Downy Woodpecker (181: for my first time on a count in MA, in my sector, we
had more Red-bellieds than Downys)
Hairy Woodpecker (32: low)
Pileated Woodpecker (4)
Horned Lark (79)
Blue Jay (1335: one of the higher counts)
A. Crow (275)
Common Raven (6)
Black-capped Chickadee (1306)
Tufted Titmouse (404)
Red-breasted Nuthatch (70: count high)
White-breasted Nuthatch (374: count high)
Brown Creeper (29)
Carolina Wren (7)
Winter Wren (1)
Golden-crowned Kinglet (113)
E. Bluebird (80)
Hermit Thrush (3)
A. Robin (92: very low)
Gray Catbird (1)
N. Mockingbird (22: low)
Cedar Waxwing (127)
N. Shrike (1)
E. Starling (1941: actually a low count, testimony to the disappearnace of
dairy farms)
N. Cardinal (207: count high)
Tree Sparrow (255)
Fox Sparrow (2)
Song Sparrow (71)
White-throated Sparrow (171)
Dark-eyed Junco (1714)
Snow Bunting (19: count high)
Red-winged Blackbird (5)
Rusty Blackbird (3)
Brown-headed Cowbrd (only 7)
Purple Finch (24)
House Finch (313)
C. Redpoll (32)
Pine Siskin (28)
A. Goldfinch (490)
Evening Grosbeak (1)
House Sparrow (1171)
Mammals seen included White-footed Mouse, Beaver, Muskrat, E. Cottontail, more deer hunters than I have ever seen on this count, and an amazing vocal display throughout the morning of a big pack of coyotes.
Here are the finalized results in matrix format:
(report from Mark Lynch).

11/22/03 -- Blackstone National Corridor waterbird survey: fall
On Nov. 22-23, birders from Broad Meadow Brook MAS in Worcester fanned out across the Blackstone National Corridor between Worcester and Providence to count "water birds" on river, pond, lake and reservoir. This is part of a series of counts to be conducted in the Corridor for the next several years.

Here is the detailed count info:

(compiled and submitted by Mark Lynch).

11/22/03 -- Blackstone Nat'l Corridor Bi-annual Survey, Worcester
Complete results for pond survey in Worcester:
Great Blue Heron 12
Canada Goose 11
American Black Duck 2
Common Merganser 217
Hooded Merganser 55
Belted Kingfisher 1
Mallard 39
Red-breasted Merganser 2 F
Ring-billed Gull 449
Herring Gull 17
Great Black-backed Gull 2 A
American Crow 5

American Wigeon 10
Snow Goose 1 immature
Canada Goose 4
Mallard 8

Canada Goose 9
Mallard 4
Common Merganser 1
Ring-billed Gull 30

Canada Goose 47
Mallard 120
Mute Swan 2
Hooded Merganser 2
Northern Shoveler 2 immature drakes
Gadwall 7 (4F, 3D)
American Black Duck 5
Red-tailed Hawk 1

FLINT POND North of Route 20
Common Loon 1
Canada Goose 13
Mallard 65
American Black Duck 15
Black-capped Ckickadee 6
Tree Sparrow 1
Dark-eyed Junco 36
Red-tailed Hawk 1
Belted Kingfisher 1

no waterfowl were seen

Common Loon 1 (near Sunset Beach)
Ring-billed Gull 7
Canada Goose 3
Mallard 12

European Starling ~ 300

LAKE QUINSIG... from across Lincoln St. Bridge
Mallard 52
American Black Duck 3
Hooded MErganser 10


Lincon Street near McDonald's
Ring-billed Gull ~ 50

Mallard 6
Rin-billed Gull 9

Canada Goose 45
Mallard 25
Red-tailed Hawk 1

Canada Goose 80
Mallard 24 + a Super-sized Tufted drake Mallard almost the size of a Canada
Ring-billed Gull 12


Mallard 27
Wood Duck 2 (pair)
Northern Cardinal 1
White-throated Sparrow 1

Mallard 51
Great Blue Heron 1
Canada Goose 4
Double-crested Cormorant 1
American Crow 20
Ring-billed Gull 35
Hering Gull 1
Song Sparrow 1

Mute Swan 2
Hooded Merganser 48
Double-crested Cormorant 1
Great Blue Heron 1
American Black Duck 6
Belted Kingfisher 1
Tree Sparrow 4
Ring-billed gull 20

Osprey 1
Mallard 65
Hooded Merganser 2 (pair)
Northern Pintail 1 F

Mallard 51
Green-winged Teal 4 D
American Wigeon 5
Canada Goose 24
Mute Swan 2
Hooded Merganser 8 (4D, 4F)
American Black Duck 7
Great Blue Heron 2
American Crow ~ 50 flying north from the south
(report from Joan Zumpfe).

6/28/03 -- Ware River Watershed IBA
Today we did a partial BBS of the WARE RIVER WATERSHED IBA property east of Quabbin birding as usual only along the ACE dirt roads. Part of this area is covered in the Barre Falls Dam-Rutland SP section of the new Western MA bird finding guide. We could only do a partial survey because the very important Prison Camp Road, Brighham Road and Reuban Walker Roads were all closed due to flooding. This closed area is about one quarter of the total BBS route usually surveyed and also contains some of the most accessable marshlands. This is where rails and Alder/Willow Flycatchers are regular. This closed area also has some of the best fields and so numbers of Boblinks and other field species are also low. Army Corps of Engineer personel said these roads may be open the upcoming week.
Great Blue Heron (10 adults/7 still used nests/ 12 yng still in the nest but realy about to fledge. As a matter of fact, as I was watching, one bird launched itself off the platform and took it's first flight. Granted on a downward slope, but he/she did reach the edge of the marsh in one piece)
Green Heron (1)
Canada Goose (6ad/4yng)
Wood Duck (2: low)
A. Black Duck (1f w/6yng)
Mallard (2ad/4yng)
Hooded Merganser (1 newly fledged yng)
Turkey Vulture (2)
N. Goshawk (1ad)
Broad-winged Hawk (6)
Red-shouldered Hawk (1)
Ruffed Grouse (1ad and 1f w/6 yng)
Wild Turkey (9ad and a pair w/15 yng)
Killdeer (3 overhead)
Spotted Sandpiper (1)
Mourning Dove (6)
Barred Owl (1)
Chiney Swift (10)
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (2)
Downy Woodpecker (6)
Hairy Woodpecker (6)
Pileated Woodpecker (2)
E. Wood Peewee (28)
Alder Flycatcher (3)
Least Flycatcher (19)
E. Phoebe (1: low)
Great Crested Flycatcher (2)
E. Kingbird (11)
Tree Swallow (44)
N. Rough-winged Swallow (6)
Barn Swallow (22)
Blue Jay (14)
A. Crow (5)
C. Raven (2)
Black-capped Chickadee (52)
Tufted Titmouse (15)
Red-breasted Nuthatch (9)
White-breasted Nuthatch (8)
Brown Creeper (9)
House Wren (2)
Winter Wren (10)
Golden-crowned Kinglet (7)
E. Bluebird (1)
Veery (45)
Hermit Thrush (51)
Wood Thrush (9)
A. Robin (44)
Gray Catbird (42)
Cedar Waxwing (37)
Blue-headed Vireo (25)
Yellow-throated Vireo (4)
Warbling Vireo (12: high for the areas we covered. Typically the most we get
are along Prison Camp Road)
Red-eyed Vireo (161)

Nashville (1)
Yellow (18)
Chestnut-sided (70)
Magnolia (12)
Black-throated Blue (8)
Yellow-rumped (16)
Black-throated Green (73)
Blackburnian (9)
Pine (74)
Prairie (1)
Black and White (26)
A. Redstart (13)
Ovenbird (124)
N. Waterthrush (1)
C. Yellowthroat (60)
Canada (5)

Scarlet Tanager (47)
N. Cardinal (2)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (22)
Indigo Bunting (2)
E. Towhee (35)
Chipping Sparrow (58)
Field Sparrow (2)
Song Sparrow (26)
Swamp Sparrow (16)
White-throated Sparrow (4)
Dark-eyed Junco (1)
Bobolink (10)
Red-winged Blackbird (119)
Brown-headed Cowbird (6)
Baltimore Oriole (10)
Purple Finch (2)
A. Goldfinch (26)
PLUS: Huge numbers of Green Frogs, numbers of Bull Frogs. At one point, aswampy section of the Ware River resounded loudly with singing American Toads; E. Garter Snake, RED-BELLIED SNAKE (1), SNOW-SHOE HARE (1). WORST MISS: We bumped into an Army Corps of Engineers person who had JUST had a mother MOOSE and calf extremely close by. We bee-lined it over, found the tracks, followed them and heard them crashing deep into some woods. No sighting though. (report from Mark Lynch/Sheila Carroll).

6/21/03 -- Worcester landfill, Worcester
Sheila Carroll and I conducted a fairly complete BBS of the very embattled CITY OF WORCESTER CAPPED LANDFILL this morning from 5:30AM-7AM. WEATHER: partly cloudy; still. The conditions atop the landfill have recovered nicely from all the disturbance several years ago. However, the very southern end of the landfill is quite disturbed and it looks like they are dumping dirt atop it Our technique was to walk a complete circuit of the periphery about 20 feet in from the slope and then check the slopes separately. Birds heard calling from the adjacent woodlots were also counted. Care was given not to double count and indeed, some counts may be low due to caution.. NOTA BENE; this area if OFF LIMITS to the public. Complete list:
Great Blue Heron (1 flyby)
Green Heron (2 flyby)
Mallard (1)
A. Black Duck (1)
Red-tailed Hawk (2)
A. Kestrel (1f hunting over landfill)
Killdeer (2)
Rock Dove (35)
Mourning Dove (16)
Chimney Swift (4)
Willow Flycatcher (4: not just on periphery, but hunting over the landfill
ALDER FLYCATCHER (1: this is a first for me for this location for this
species. In periphery)
E. Phoebe (1)
E. Kingbird (2)
Barn Swallow (2)
Blue Jay (3)
A. Crow (2)
A. Robin (16: all periphery areas)
Gray Catbird (6)
N. Mockingbird (5)
Brown Thrasher (3)
E. Starling (87)
Warbling Vireo (3)
Yellow Warbler (11)
C. Yellowthroat (5)
SAVANNAH SPARROW (43: all over from end to end)
GRASSHOPPER SPARROW (4 singing birds seen and heard. Our best count in some
years since the surface was so badly disturbed. Sheila watched one bird do
what appeared to be a distraction display as it fluttered stangley low and
then ran about wildly in the grass near her)
Song Sparrow (23)
Bobolink (4 minimum)
Red-winged Blackbird (68: some post-breeding flocks but other males appeared
on territory)
E. Meadowlark (at least 3. We watched 1 bird carrying food back to an
apparent nest)
C. Grackle (6)
A. Goldfinch (3)
(report from Mark Lynch and Sheila Carroll).

6/21/03 -- Broad Meadow Brook Sanctuary, Worcester
We conducted the 13th annual Breeding Bird Survey at the Broad Meadow Brook Wildlife Sanctuary (Worcester) this morning. Complete list:

Green heron (2)
Canada Goose (2)
Wood Duck (3)
Mallard (6 - including female w/ 3 young)
Broad-winged Hawk (1)
Red-tailed Hawk (1)
Virginia Rail (1)
Ring-billed Gull (1)

Rock Dove (13)
Mourning Dove (15)
Chimney Swift (6)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (3)
Downy Woodpecker (7)
Hairy Woodpecker (7)
Northern Flicker (3)

Eastern Wood-Pewee (16)
Willow Flycatcher (4)
Eastern Phoebe (1)
Great Crested Flycatcher (7)
Eastern Kingbird (6)
Warbling Vireo (4)
Red-eyed Vireo (12)
Blue Jay (22)
American Crow (15)
FISH CROW (1 - obviously a bird that travelled up the Blackstone River)
Tree Swallow (7)
Black-capped Chickadee (17)
Tufted Titmouse (26)
White-breasted Nuthatch (10)
Carolina Wren (2)
House Wren (5)
Veery (2)
Wood Thrush (11)
American Robin (26)
Gray Catbird (30)
Northern Mockingbird (4)
European Starling (2106 - almost all had been roosting in the phragmites)
Cedar Waxwing (2)

Blue-winged Warbler (3)
NASHVILLE WARBLER (1 - a late migrant?)
NORTHERN PARULA (1 - ditto?)
Yellow Warbler (12)
Prairie Warbler (8)
Black-and-white Warbler (1)
American Redstart (1)
Ovenbird (3)
Common Yellowthroat (20)

Scarlet Tanager (11)
Eastern Towhee (29)
Chipping Sparrow (3)
Field Sparrow (9)
Song Sparrow (22)
Swamp Sparrow (2)
Northern Cardinal (12)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (4)
Red-winged Blackbird (24)
Common Grackle (109 - most with the Starlings)
Brown-headed Cowbird (7)
Baltimore Oriole (18)
House Finch (3)
American Goldfinch (15)
House Sparrow (32)
(report from John Liller).

6/18/03 -- S. Barre BBS
Kim Bacchiocchi and I recorded the following yesterday morning (6/18/03) while conducting the S. Barre BBS (S. Barre, Oakham, Spencer, East Brookfield, Sturbridge). Unfortunately, the sky opened up after we completed 30 of the 50 stops, so we were unable to finish the survey.
Pied-billed Grebe (1 - located in the same beaver pond in Spencer where I
found a breeding pair last year.)
Sharp-shinned Hawk (1 - Spencer)
Killdeer (1)

Mourning Dove (16)
Chimney Swift (5)
Downy Woodpecker (2)
Hairy Woodpecker (1)
Northern Flicker (1)

Eastern Wood-Pewee (6)
Least Flycatcher (1)
Eastern Phoebe (3)
Eastern Kingbird (4)
Warbling Vireo (1)
Red-eyed Vireo (25)
Blue Jay (6)
American Crow (15)
Tree Swallow (3)
Black-capped Chickadee (14)
Tufted Titmouse (6)
White-breasted Nuthatch (5)
Brown Creeper (2)
House Wren (3)
Veery (7)
Wood Thrush (4)
American Robin (18 - found a nest)
Gray Catbird (15)
European Starling (3)
Blue-winged Warbler (3)
Yellow Warbler (6)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (6)
Yellow-rumped Warbler (1)
Black-throated Green Warbler (5)
Prairie Warbler (1)
Black-and-white Warbler (4)
American Redstart (3)
Ovenbird (12)
Common Yellowthroat (11)

Scarlet Tanager (3)
Eastern Towhee (1)
Chipping Sparrow (23)
Field Sparrow (1)
Song Sparrow (20)
Swamp Sparrow (1)
White-throated Sparrow (1)
Northern Cardinal (9)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (2)
Indigo Bunting (4)
Bobolink (4)
Red-winged Blackbird (7)
Common Grackle (5)
Brown-headed Cowbird (3)
Baltimore Oriole (1)
House Finch (2)
American Goldfinch (9)
House Sparrow (10)
(report from John Liller).

6/8/03 -- Howard St., Northboro
After participating in the Wachusett Meadow BBC today, Kathie and I decided to do a BBC on and about our 6 acres on Howard Street in Northboro. We have mixed hardwoods, some conifer woods, two streams, some bushy fields, and a small pond. The weather continued to be tough for birds but we counted 43 species. We know that the goshawk lives on the Berlin conservation land about 3 miles through the woods from our house. The sharpie came in like a jet fighter after something in the marsh. Noticeably absent this year for us is the hermit thrush, and the wood thrushes are way down. Also, in past years we have had whip-poor-wills across our road. There are none this year. Here is our list.
1.  Turkey vulture (1 soaring flyover)
2.  mallard (2, nesting at side of stream behind house)
3.  Sharp-shinned hawk (1 flyover, hunting prey)
4.  northern goshawk (1 flyover.  Possibly nesting 3 miles away)
5.  red-tailed hawk (1 flyover)
6.  mourning dove (5)
7.  common nighthawk (2)
8.  chimney swift (12 + daily flycatching in late PM)
9.  ruby-throated hummingbird* (1 seen doing pendulum ritual)
10.red-bellied woodpecker (m + f)
11.downy woodpecker (m + F)
12.hairy woodpecker (2 pair)
13.northern flicker (m + f)
14.eastern wood pewee (1)
15.great crested flycatcher (1)
16.eastern kingbird (2)
17.warbling vireo (2, in aspen trees along brook behind house)
18.blue jay (5)
19.veery (1)
20.wood thrush (1)
21.American crow (6)
22.Tree swallow* (15 + flycatching throughout day, esp. late PM.  Nesting in box #3)
23.b.c. chickadee* (2. Nesting in box # 4)
24.tufted titmouse (2)
25.white-breasted nuthatch (2)
26.House wren* (2. Nest building in box #1 across road and behind house)
27.American robin (3)
28.gray catbird* (3)
29.n. mockingbird (5)
30.European starling (2 adults, 2 imm)
31.cedar waxwings (19)
32.yellow warbler (5)
33.common yellowthroat (5 pair)
34.song sparrow (5)
35.n. cardinal (4)
36.rose-breasted grosbeak (m + f)
37.red-winged blackbird (7 m + 2 f)
38.grackle (4)
39.brown-headed cowbird (3)
40.Baltimore oriole* (3 pair)
41.House finch (2)
42.American goldfinch (10)
43.House sparrow* (12)
(report from Jim & Kathie Hogan).

4/6/03 -- Blackstone National Corridor waterbird survey: summary
On Sunday, April 6, 17 people in 8 teams from Broad Meadow Brook MAS in Worcester fanned out across the Blackstone National Corridor between Worcester and Providence to count "water birds" on river, pond, lake and reservoir. It was a very windy and cold day, but at least it was not raining. This spring's count had been delayed a few weeks becasue of foul weather and we may have missed some of the merg migration. This is part of a series of counts to be conducted in the Corridor for the next several years.

The teams this year:



WORCESTER: Howard Shainheit; John Shea

LEICESTER: Jeff Scott; Mary Scott.


NORTHBRIDGE, HOPEDALE/MENDON; UPTON: Barbara Walker; Paul Meleski; Rick Walker; Mike Walker.





CUMBERLAND; PAWTUCKET; PROVIDENCE-EAST PROVIDENCE (sections that are in the National Corridor):  Mark Lynch; Sheila Carroll
Here is the detailed count info:
(compiled and submitted by Mark Lynch).

4/6/03 -- Blackstone Corridor Survey: Burrillville, Glocester, and North Smithfield in Rhode Island
Kim Bacchiocchi and I covered the towns of Burrillville, Glocester, and North Smithfield in Rhode Island. Here are our results:

Buck Hill Management Area:
Great Blue Heron (3 - none on nests)
Wood Duck (7)
American Black Duck (5)
Mallard (2)
BALD EAGLE (1 immature, first seen perched on a Great Blue Heron nest)
Red-winged Blackbird (1)

Wakefield Pond:
Mallard (3)

Round Lake:
Bufflehead (2)
Red-winged Blackbird (2)

Wallum Lake:
Canada Goose (1)
Mallard (2)
Common Merganser (7, and 2 in Douglas)
Great Black-backed Gull (2)

Big Round Top Pond:
American Black Duck (2)

Spring Lake:
Canada Goose (1)
Mallard (6)
Ring-billed Gull (1)
Red-winged Blackbird (1)

Mill Pond:
Great Blue Heron (1)
Canada Goose (2)
Wood Duck (2)
Red-winged Blackbird (1)

Pond at White Mill Park:
Canada Goose (3)
Red-winged Blackbird (1)

Wilson Reservoir:
Canada Goose (2)
Mallard (1)
Hooded Merganser (16)
Common Merganser (48)
Ruddy Duck (15)
Ring-billed Gull (18)
Herring Gull (1)
Great Black-backed Gull (3)

Pascoag Reservoir:
Mallard (2)
Bufflehead (3)
Common Merganser (9)

Sucker Pond:
Canada Goose (12)
Ring-necked Duck (1)
Common Merganser (2)
Tree Swallow (20)

Gillerau Pond:
Canada Goose (2)
Mallard (2)

Slatersville Reservoir:
Canada Goose (2)
Tree Swallow (22)

Nichols Pond:
Canada Goose (19)
Bufflehead (2)
Hooded Merganser (2)

Casimir Pulaski Memorial Forest:
Canada Goose (2)
American Black Duck (2)
Mallard (2)
Hooded Merganser (3)

Also:  Red-tailed Hawk (1), Red-bellied Woodpecker (1), Eastern Phoebe
(2), Carolina Wren (1)


Pascoag Reservoir:
Mallard (3)
Hooded Merganser (2)

Shingle Mill Pond:
Hooded Merganser (10)

Keach's Pond:
Canada Goose (2)
Bufflehead (2)

Smith & Sayles Reservoir:
Mallard (2)
Common Merganser (24)
Ring-billed Gull (6)

Steeres Pond:
Canada Goose (2)

Waterman Reservoir:
Canada Goose (1)
Mallard (5)
Ring-necked Duck (5)
Hooded Merganser (2)
Ring-billed Gull (3)
Herring Gull (2)

Coomer Pond:
Common Merganser (3)

Cherry Valley Pond:
Bufflehead (9)

Ponaganset Reservoir:
American Black Duck (2)

Killingley Pond:
Canada Goose (2)
Bufflehead (3)
Common Merganser (10)

Durfee Hill Management Area (pond on Rt. 94):
Canada Goose (2)
Ring-necked Duck (6)
Hooded Merganser (2)

Lake Washington:
Canada Goose (2)
American Black Duck (5)
Mallard (2)
Ring-necked Duck (2)
Common Merganser (2)
Herring Gull (3)
Great Black-backed Gull (1)

Burlingame Reservoir:
Canada Goose (2)
Hooded Merganser (2)
Common Merganser (2)

Bowdish Reservoir:

Canada Goose (4)
Mallard (4)
Herring Gull (2)

Also:  Canada Goose (2), Hooded Merganser (2), Turkey Vulture (3)


Slatersville Reservoir:
Great Blue Heron (1)
Common Merganser (10)
Tree Swallow (16)
Red-winged Blackbird (1)

Trout Brook Pond:
Ring-necked Duck (56)
Common Merganser (2)

Forestdale Pond:
Canada Goose (2)
American Black Duck (3)
Mallard (7)
Ring-necked Duck (5)

Pratt Pond:
Mute Swan (2)
American Black Duck (4)
Mallard (2)
Ring-necked Duck (5)
Tree Swallow (1)

Pond at Rt. 104 offramp from Rt. 146:
Canada Goose (2)
American Black Duck (4)
Mallard (8)
Ring-necked Duck (1)

Primrose Pond:
Ring-necked Duck (8)
Pond on Black Plain Rd.:
Wood Duck (2)
one dead Beaver at edge of road

Tarklin Pond:
Canada Goose (1)
American Black Duck (3)
Mallard (2)
Ring-necked Duck (8)
Hooded Merganser (1)
Common Merganser (2)
Tree Swallow (3)

Lake Belair:
Mallard (4)
Also: Turkey Vulture (1), Sharp-shinned Hawk (1), RED-SHOULDERED HAWK (1 adult seen flying from the edge of Lake Belair; I had great looks at its shoulders, back, and tail). (report from John Liller).

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