Next: Minimal modeling
Up: Modeling
Previous: Linking modeling to ideas
My own preferences for models to teach are:
- scalar population models (sections 2.1-2.2)
because they are simple to derive, they are easy to understand
without much background in the physical sciences, and they
motivate all of the important first-order analytical, numerical,
and graphical concepts,
- the heat-flow model (section 2.3) because it is
easy to argue that it is plausible (although the underlying
physics is subtle), it has an intuitively obvious stable steady
state, and it seems more ``real'' to most students of science and
- spring-mass and pendulum models (sections
5.1-5.2) because these devices are easy to demonstrate in class,
they introduce oscillatory phenomena, and they provide a complete
foundation for most of the elementary two-dimensional ideas,
particularly linearization and the phase plane,
- SIRS (or any other multiple species model from
section 2.4) because for beginners the underlying science is
simple and the phase plane is interesting,
- diffusion models (sections 9.1 and 9.4) because
are an important class of boundary-value and
initial-boundary-value problems for ordinary and partial
differential equations, leading to important analytical and
numerical ideas.
In class, I derive the population models in sections 2.1 and 2.2
(Malthus, emigration, logistic), argue for the plausibility of
the heat-flow model (section 2.3), demonstrate a vertical
spring-mass system and derive its governing equation (section
5.1), and derive one of the diffusion models in section 9.1. I
use ``Take my word for it'', augmented by a little hand waving
and a reading or a homework assignment, to introduce as needed
the multiple species models (predator-prey, SIRS, competition) of
section 2.4. The linear and nonlinear pendulum equations
(section 5.2) enter with slightly more ceremony and homework
emphasis but usually without a formal derivation.
My preferences among the mathematical ideas and methods are
- graphical concepts such as direction fields, phase
planes, and sketching solution graphs from differential equations
because they reinforce the rate of change concepts fundamental to
- stability and linearization because stability is
an intuitive concept with natural analytic and graphical
interpretations, its analysis often requires linearization
(perhaps the most ubiquitous process, imperfections
notwithstanding, in science and engineering), and linearization
leads immediately back to the derivative and to Taylor's theorem.
- elementary numerical methods because they have
natural graphical interpretations, they involve linearization,
they call upon Taylor's theorem, and their sophisticated
descendants are so important in practice,
- elementary analytical methods because they
exercise manipulative skills, they provide a ``plug 'n' chug''
refuge for the student struggling with more difficult open-ended
problems, and their limitations illustrate the importance of
understanding. (To paraphrase Peter Hammer, ``The purpose of
differential equations is insight, not formulas (or numbers or
Next: Minimal modeling
Up: Modeling
Previous: Linking modeling to ideas
Paul W Davis