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My preferences

My own preferences for models to teach are:

In class, I derive the population models in sections 2.1 and 2.2 (Malthus, emigration, logistic), argue for the plausibility of the heat-flow model (section 2.3), demonstrate a vertical spring-mass system and derive its governing equation (section 5.1), and derive one of the diffusion models in section 9.1. I use ``Take my word for it'', augmented by a little hand waving and a reading or a homework assignment, to introduce as needed the multiple species models (predator-prey, SIRS, competition) of section 2.4. The linear and nonlinear pendulum equations (section 5.2) enter with slightly more ceremony and homework emphasis but usually without a formal derivation.

My preferences among the mathematical ideas and methods are

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Paul W Davis