- pivot.txt, a file with two crude MAPLE
routines, "ratios" and "pivot", which allow one to execute the simplex
method -- in tableau format -- step-by-step. [NOTE: MAPLE has its own
package for the simplex method. Type with(simplex); while
running MAPLE to load the commands and see what it does.
Type ?simplex, ?maximize, etc. to learn how the
various commands work.]
- pivotexamp.txt is a diary (or screenshot)
of a MAPLE session using the above file. Here's what you can do:
- Download both files to your UNIX account or any machine that runs MAPLE;
- Run MAPLE. I do this inside a text window with maple, but
you might be more comfortable with the graphical version xmaple
- Type read `pivot.txt`; to load the two commands;
- Define your matrix A, your right-hand side b, your
cost vector c and your initial objective value z;
- To see the initial tableau, pivot on some entry equal to one that is in
some column corresponding to a slack variable: pivot(1,3);
- Once you choose an entering variable, say x5, you compute the ratios
for that column by typing ratios(5);
- Once you choose your pivot row, say row 4, you perform the pivot
by typing pivot(4,5);
- There is a small example fully worked out in the file
pivotexamp.txt. You may wish to follow
it as you go along.