Constrained Fine Manipulation and Learning

Shichen Cao and Jing Xiao, "On Efficient and Flexible Autonomous Robotic Insertion Assembly in the Presence of Uncerintay," IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, May 2024.

Shichen Cao and Jing Xiao, "Human-Robot Complementary Collaboration for Flexible and Precision Assembly," IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 2024.

Roman Mykhailyshyn, Ann Fey, and Jing Xiao, "Toward Novel Grasping of Non-Rigid Materials Through Robotic End-Effector Reorientation," IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, accepted, November 2023.

Sean McGovern and Jing Xiao, "A General Approach for Constrained Robotic Coverage Path Planning on 3D Freeform Surfaces," IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, accepted, September 2023.

Roman Mykhailyshyn, Ann Fey, and Jing Xiao, "Finite element modeling of grasping porous materials in robotics cells," Robotica, August 2023.

Shichen Cao and Jing Xiao, "A General Method for Autonomous Assembly of Arbitrary Parts in the Presence of Uncertainty," IEEE/RSJ International Conference On Intelligent Robots and Systems, Kyoto, Japan, October 2022.

Roman Mykhailyshyn, Volodymyr Savkiv, Ann Fey, and Jing Xiao, "Gripping Device for Textile Materials, " IEEE Transactions and Automation Science and Engineering, September 2022.

Sean McGovern and Jing Xiao, "UV Grid Generation on 3D Freeform Surfaces for Constrained Robotic Coverage Path Planning," IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Mexico City, August 2022.

R. Mykhailyshyn, V. Savkiv, P. Maruschak, J. Xiao, "A systematic review on pneumatic gripping devices for industrial robots," Transport, 37(3):201-231, 2022.

R. Mykhailyshyn and J. Xiao, "Influence of Inlet Parameters on Power Characteristics of Bernoullo Gripping Devices for Industrial Robots," Applied Sciences, 12(14), July 2022.

Sean McGovern and Jing Xiao, "Learning and Predicting Center of Mass through Manipulation and Torque Sensing," International Conference on Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering, 10-12 Feb. 2022.

Sean McGovern and Jing Xiao, "Efficient Feasibility Checking on Continuous Coverage Motion for Constrained Manipulation," IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, August 2021.

Huitan Mao and Jing Xiao, "Reducing Uncertainty in Pose Estimation under Complex Contacts via Force Forecast," 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation.

Sean McGovern, Huitan Mao, and Jing Xiao, "Learning to Estimate Centers of Mass of Arbitrary Objects," 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Macau, China, Nov. 4--8, 2019.

  Perception and Action

Zhentian Qian, Jie Fu, and Jing Xiao, "Simultaneously Search and Localize Semantic Objects in Unknown Environments," IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, October 2024.

Rohith Venkataramanan, Zhaoyuan Ma, Jing Xiao, and Siavash Farzan, "Perception-Driven Robotic Manipulation for Packaging Stack of Envelopes: Gripper Design and Manipulation Strategies," IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, July 2024.

Steven Hyland, Jing Xiao, and Cadgas Onal, "Predicting Center of Mass by Iterative Pushing for Object Transportation and Manipulation," IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Oct. 2023.

Zhaoyuan Ma and Jing Xiao, "Robotic Perception-motion Synergy for Novel Rope Wrapping Tasks," IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, May 2023.

Zhentian Qian, Jie Fu, and Jing Xiao, "Towards Accurate Loop Closure Detection in Semantic SLAM with 3D Semantic Covisibility Graphs," Robotics and Automation Letters, Jan 2022.

Zhentian Qian, Kartik Patath, Jie Fu, and Jing Xiao, "Semantic SLAM with Autonomous Object-Level Data Association," IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 2021.

Huitan Mao, Junius Santoso, Cagdas Onal, and Jing Xiao, "Sim-to-real Transferable Object Classification through Touch-based Continuum Manipulation," International Symposium on Experimental Robotics, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 5-8, 2018.

Huitan Mao and Jing Xiao, "Object Shape Estimation through Touch-based Continuum Manipulation," International Symposium on Robotics Research, Puerto Varas, Chile, December 11-14, 2017.

Huitan Mao, Mabel M. Zhang, Jing Xiao, Kostas Daniilidis, "Shape-based Object Classification and Recognition through Continuum Manipulation," IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vancouver, Canada, Sept. 2017.

Huitan Mao, Zhou Teng, and Jing Xiao, "Progressive Object Modeling with a Continuum Manipulator in Unknown Environments," IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Singapore, June 2017.

Zhou Teng and Jing Xiao, "Surface-based Detection and 6DoF Pose Estimation of 3D Objects in Cluttered Scenes," IEEE Transactions on Robotics, June 2016.

Zhou Teng, Huitan Mao, and Jing Xiao, "Automatic Object Modeling through Integrating Perception and Robotic Manipulation," International Symposium on Experimental Robotics , Tokyo, October 2016.

Zhou Teng and Jing Xiao, "A Learning-based Approach for Evaluating Scene Recognizability of a View," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Seattle, May 2015.

Zhou Teng and Jing Xiao, "Surface-based General 3D Object Detection and Pose Estimation," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Hong Kong, China, June 2014.

Zhou Teng and Jing Xiao, "3D Object Detection based on Geometric Segmentation," 10th Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, May 28--31, 2013. (URL)

J. Fan, H. Luo, J. Xiao, and L. Wu,"Semantic Video Classification and Feature Subset Selection under Context and Concept Uncertainty," Best Paper Finalist in the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2004), Tucson, AZ, June 2004.

H. Luo, J. Fan, J. Xiao, and X. Zhu, "Semantic Principal Video Shot Classification via Mixture Gaussian," 2003 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Baltimore, MD, July 2003.

J. Fan, X. Zhu, and J. Xiao, "Content Based Video Indexing and Retrieval," in Computer Graphics and Multimedia: Applications, Problems, and Solutions , J. DiMarco, Editor, Idea Group, Inc., Hershey, PA., 2003.

  Real-time Robot Motion Planning

David Vutetakis and Jing Xiao, "Active Perception Network for Non-Myopic Online Exploration and Visual Surface Coverage," International Journal of Robotics Research, June 2024. Open access: link

Kai Zhang, Sterling McLeod, Minwoo Lee, and Jing Xiao, "Continuous Reinforcement Learning to Adapt Multi-Objective Optimization Online for Robot Motion," International Journal of Advanced Robotics Systems, March 2020. Link

Huitan Mao and Jing Xiao, "Real-time Conflict Resolution of Task-constrained Manipulator Motion in Unforeseen Dynamic Environments," IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2019.

Sterling McLeod and Jing Xiao, "Navigating Dynamically Unknown Environments Leveraging Past Experience," IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Montreal, May 2019.

David Vutetakis and Jing Xiao, "An Autonomous Loop-Closure Approach for Simultaneous Exploration and Coverage of Unknown Infrastructure using MAVs," IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Montreal, May 2019.

Mahmoud Abdelgawad, Sterling McLeod, Anneliese Andrews, and Jing Xiao, "Model-based Testing of Real-time Adaptive Motion Planning (RAMP)," IEEE International Conference on Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots, San Francisco, December 2016.

Sterling McLeod and Jing Xiao,"Real-time Adaptive Non-holonomic Motion Planning in Unforeseen Dynamic Environments," IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Daejeon, South Korea, October 2016.

Liqin Zhu, Huitan Mao, Xiang Luo, Jing Xiao,"Determining Null-space Motion to Satisfy Both Task Constraints and Obstacle Avoidance," IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing, Fort Worth, Texas, August 2016. (movie)

Rayomand Vatcha and Jing Xiao, "Detection of Robust Collision-free Trajectories in Unpredictable Environments in Real-time," Autonomous Robots ,37(1), June 2014, DOI: 10.1007/s10514-013-9377-5.

Rayomand Vatcha and Jing Xiao, "Practical Motion Planning in Unknown and Unpredictable Environments," Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on Experimental Robotics, New Dehli, India, December 2010. (PDF)

Jing Xiao and Rayomand Vatcha, "Real-time Adaptive Motion Planning for a Continuum Manipulator," Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 2010. (PDF) (movie)

Rayomand Vatcha and Jing Xiao, "An Efficient Algorithm for On-line Determination of Collision-free Configuration-time Points Directly from Sensor Data," in Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Anchorage, Alaska, May 2010. (PDF) (movie)

Rayomand Vatcha and Jing Xiao, "Discovering Guaranteed Continuously Collision-free Robot Trajectories in an Unknown and Unpredictable Environment ," Proceedings of 2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, St. Louis, MO, Oct. 2009. (PDF) (movie)

Jonathan Annas and Jing Xiao, "Intelligent Pursuit & Evasion in an Unknown Environment," Proceedings of 2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, St. Louis, MO, Oct. 2009. (PDF) (movie)

Yanbo Li and Jing Xiao, "On-line Planning of Nonholonomic Trajectories in Crowded and Geometrically Unknown Environments," in Proceedings of 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Kobe, Japan, May 2009. (PDF) (movie)

Rayomand Vatcha and Jing Xiao, "Perceived CT-Space for Motion Planning in Unknown and Unpredictable Environments," Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR), Guanajuato, Mexico, Dec. 7--9, 2008. (PDF) (movie)

John Vannoy and Jing Xiao, "Real-time Adaptive Motion Planning (RAMP) of Mobile Manipulators in Dynamic Environments with Unforeseen Changes," IEEE Transactions on Robotics , 24(5):1199-1212, Oct. 2008. (PDF) (movie)

John Vannoy and Jing Xiao, "Real-time Tight Coordination of Mobile Manipulators in Unknown Dynamic Environments," Proceedings of 2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, San Diego, Nov. 2007. (PDF) (movie)

John Vannoy and Jing Xiao, "Autonomous Robot Cleaning Crew," AAAI 2007 Video Competition, Nominee for Best Demonstration. (movie)

John Vannoy and Jing Xiao, "Real-time Motion Planning of Multiple Mobile Manipulators with a Common Task Objective in Shared Work Environments," Proceedings of 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Rome, Italy, April 2007. (PDF) (movie)

John Vannoy and Jing Xiao, "Real-time Adaptive Mobile Manipulator Motion Planning," Video Proceedings of 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems , Beijing, China, Oct. 2006. (movie)

John Vannoy and Jing Xiao, "Real-time Planning of Mobile Manipulation in Dynamic Environments of Unknown Changes," Proceedings of RSS 2006 Workshop: Manipulation for Human Environments, Philadelphia, Aug. 2006. Link

John Vannoy and Jing Xiao, "Real-Time Adaptive and Trajectory-Optimized Manipulator Motion Planning," Proceedings of 2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Sendai, Japan, Sept. 2004. (PDF)

J. Xiao, L. Zhang, and Z. Michalewicz, "On Topological Diversity and Multiple Path Planning," in the 2nd International Conf. on Computational Intelligence and Neuralscience, pp. 10-13, Research Triangle Park, NC, March 1997. (Postscript)

K. Trojanowski, Z. Michalewicz, and J. Xiao "Adding Memory to the Evolutionary Planner/Navigator," presented at the 1997 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, pp. 483-487, Indianapolis, April 1997. (PDF)

J. Xiao, Z. Michalewicz, L. Zhang, and K. Trojanowski, "Adaptive Evolutionary Planner/Navigator for Mobile Robots," IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 1(1):18--28, April 1997. (PDF)

  Continuum Manipulation and Grasping

Jinglin Li and Jing Xiao, "Progressive Grasping in Cluttered Space for a Continuum Manipulator" IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 32(3): 707-716, June 2016. (movie)

Jinglin Li, Zhou Teng, and Jing Xiao, "Can a continuum manipulator fetch an object in an unknown cluttered space?" IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2(1):2-9, Jan. 2016. (movie)

Jinglin Li and Jing Xiao, "A General Formulation and Approach to Constrained, Continuum Manipulation," Special Issue on Continuum Robots and Manipulation of Advanced Robotics, 29(13): 889-899, July 2015.

Jinglin Li and Jing Xiao, "An Efficient Algorithm for Real Time Collision Detection Involving a Continuum Manipulator with Multiple Uniform-curvature Sections," Robotica, published online first, Cambridge Journals, October 2014.

Jinglin Li, Jing Xiao, Robert Grizzi, John Lindberg, "Inspection in Cluttered Space with a Continuum Manipulator," 3rd International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil, October 2014.

Jinglin Li and Jing Xiao, "Task-constrained Continuum Manipulation in Cluttered Space," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Hong Kong, China, June 2014.

Jinglin Li, Zhou Teng, Jing Xiao, Apoorva Kapadia, Alan Bartow, Ian Walker, "Autonomous Continuum Grasping," Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Tokyo, Japan, November 2013.(URL) Movie

Jinglin Li and Jing Xiao, "Progressive, Continuum Grasping in Cluttered Space," Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Tokyo, Japan, November 2013. (URL)

Jinglin Li and Jing Xiao, "Progressive Generation of Force-Closure Grasps for an n-section Continuum Manipulator," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Karlsruhe, Germany, May 2013. (URL)

Jinglin Li and Jing Xiao, "Exact and Efficient Collision Detection for a Multi-section Continuum Manipulator," in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, St. Paul, MN, May 2012. (PDF)

Jinglin Li and Jing Xiao, "Determining Grasping Configurations for a Spatial Continuum Manipulator," in Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, San Francisco, Sept. 2011. (PDF)

Noel Curtis and Jing Xiao, "Efficient and effective grasping of novel objects through learning and adapting with a knowledge base," Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Nice, France, Sept. 2008. (PDF)

  Haptic Simulation and Display

Q. Tong, W. Wei, Y. Zhang, J. Xiao, and D. Wang, ``Survey on Hand-based Haptic Interaction for Virtual Reality," IEEE Transactions on Haptics, April 2023.

Q. Tong, Q. Wang, Y. Zhang, X. Liao, W. Wei, Y. Zhang, J. Xiao, and D. Wang, "Configuration-based Optimization for Virtual Hand Haptic Simulation," IEEE Transactions on Haptics, August 2022.

Cong Peng, Weiwei Peng, Wanwei Feng, Yuru Zhang, Jing Xiao, Dangxiao Wang, "EEG Correlates of Sustained Attention Variability during Discrete Multi-finger Force Control Tasks," IEEE Transactions on Haptics, February 2021.

C. Pong, D. Wang, Y. Zhang, and J. Xiao, "A Visuo-haptic Attention Training Game with Dynamic Adjustment of Difficulty," IEEE Access, May 2019.

D. Wang, Y. Guo, S. Liu, Y. Zhang, W. Xu, and J. Xiao, "Haptic display for virtual reality: progress and challenges," Virtual Reality & Intelligent Hardware, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 136-162, April 2019.

Y. Zhang, D. Wang, Z. Wang, Y. Zhang, and J. Xiao, "Passive Force-feedback Gloves with Joint-based Variable Impedance Using Layer Jamming," Special Issue on Wearable and Hand-held Haptics, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 2019.

D. Wang, X. Zhao, Y. Shi, Y. Zhang, J. Xiao, "Six Degree-of-Freedom Haptic Simulation of a Stringed Musical Instrument for Triggering Sounds" IEEE Transactions on Haptics, August 2016.

D. Wang, X. Zhao, Y. Shi, Y. Zhang, J. Hou, J. Xiao, "Six Degree-of-Freedom Haptic Simulation of Probing Dental Caries within a Narrow Oral Cavity" IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 9(2):279-291, April-June 2016.

D. Wang, J. Xiao, Y. Zhang, Haptic Rendering for Simulation of Fine Manipulation, Springer, 2014,

G. Yu, D. Wang, Y. Zhang, J. Xiao, "Simulating sharp geometric features in six degrees-of-freedom haptic rendering," IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 8(1): 67-78, Dec. 2014.

D. Wang, C. Yang, Y. Zhang, J. Xiao, "Towards in-vivo force and motion measurement for vascular surgery," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement , 63(8):1975-1982, Aug. 2014. (URL)

D. Wang, Y. Shi, S. Liu, Y. Zhang, J. Xiao, "Haptic Simulation of Organ Deformation and Hybrid Contacts in Dental Operations," IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 7(1):48-60, Jan-March, 2014.

D. Wang, L. Wang, Y. Zhang, P. Lu, Y. Sun, J. Xiao, "Preliminary study on a miniature laser manipulation robotic device for tooth crown preparation," The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, Jan. 2014. (URL)

D. Wang, C. Yang, Y. Zhang, J. Xiao, Y. Dong, and T. Wang, "A Novel Design of a Wearable Device for Measuring Force and Torque in Vascular Surgery," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Karlsruhe, Germany, May 2013. (URL)

Dangxiao Wang, Xin Zhang, Yuru Zhang, and Jing Xiao, "Configuration-based Optimization for Six Degree-of-Freedom Haptic Rendering for Fine Manipulation," IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 6(2):167-180, April 2013. (URL)

D.Wang, M. Xu, Y. Zhang, and J. Xiao, "Preliminary study on haptics-stimulation based brainwave entrainment," IEEE World Haptics Symposium, Daejeon, Korea, April 2013.

D. Wang, Y. Shi, S. Shi, S. Liu, Y. Zhang, and J. Xiao, "The influence of masterslave mapping uncertainty on force/torque fidelity of 6-DOF haptic rendering," IEEE World Haptics Symposium, Daejeon, Korea, April 2013.

D. Wang, S. Liu, X. Zhang, J. Xiao, J. Hou, and Y. Zhang, "Six Degree-of- Freedom Haptic Simulation of Periodontal Pathological Changes," Proceedings of 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, Oct. 2012. (URL)

Dangxiao Wang, Shuai Liu, Xin Zhang, Yuru Zhang, and Jing Xiao, "Six-degree-of-freedom Haptic Simulation of Organ Deformation in Dental Operations," in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, St. Paul, MN, May 2012. (movie)

Xin Zhang, Dangxiao Wang, Yuru Zhang, and Jing Xiao, "Configuration-based Optimization for Six Degree-of-Freedom Haptic Rendering Using Sphere Trees," in Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, San Francisco, Sept. 2011. (PDF) (movie)

Dangxiao Wang, Xin Zhang, Yuru Zhang, and Jing Xiao, "Configuration-based Optimization for Six Degree-of-Freedom Haptic Rendering for Fine Manipulation," in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Shanghai, China, May 2011. (PDF)

Tong Cui and Jing Xiao, "Modeling Global Deformation using Circular Beams for Haptic Interaction ," in Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, St. Louis, MO, Oct. 2009. (PDF) (movie)

Tong Cui and Jing Xiao, "Simulation of Grasping Deformable Objects with a Virtual Human Hand," Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Nice, France, Sept. 2008. (PDF) (movie)

Qi Luo and Jing Xiao, "Modeling and Rendering Contact Torques and Twisting Effects of Deformable Objects in Haptic Interaction," in Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, San Diego, Nov. 2007. (PDF)

Wusheng Chou and Jing Xiao, "Haptic Teleoperation of Robotic Manipulator," Robot Welding, Intelligence and Automation, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, T. J. Tarn et al. Eds., 362: 51-59, Springer, September 2007. (PDF)

Qi Luo and Jing Xiao, "Contact and Deformation Modeling for Interactive Environments," IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 23(3): 416-430, June 2007. (PDF)

Wusheng Chou and Jing Xiao, "Real-time and Accurate Multiple Contact Detection between General Curved Objects," Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 556-561, Beijing, China, Oct. 2006. (PDF)

Qi Luo and Jing Xiao, "Haptic Simulation for Micro/Nano-Scale Optic Fiber Assembly," Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Beijing, China, Oct. 2006. (PDF) (movie)

Qi Luo and Jing Xiao, "Geometric Properties of Contacts Involving a Deformable Object," IEEE Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, Washington D.C., March 25--26, 2006. (PDF)

Qi Luo and Jing Xiao, "Haptic Rendering involving an Elastic Tube for Assembly Simulations," Proceedings of 2005 IEEE Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning, Montreal, July 19--21, 2005. (PDF)

Qi Luo and Jing Xiao, "Modeling Complex Contacts Involving Deformable Objects for Haptic and Graphic Rendering," Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems, MIT, June 8-11, 2005.

Qi Luo and Jing Xiao, "Physically Accurate Haptic Rendering with Dynamic Effects," IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Special Issue - Touch-Enabled Interfaces, 24:60 69, Nov/Dec. 2004. (PDF)

Wusheng Chou and Jing Xiao, "A Collision Detection Method for Virtual Manufacturing," in the Transactions of North America Manufacturing Research, June 2004.

Qi Luo and Jing Xiao, "Physically Accurate Haptic Rendering and Virtual Assembly," in the Transactions of North America Manufacturing Research, June 2004.

Wusheng Chou and Jing Xiao, "Haptic Interaction with Virtual Environment Using an Arm Type Exoskeleton Device," in the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, New Orleans, April 2004.

Jing Xiao, Qi Luo, and Song You "Haptic Modeling of Contact Formations and Compliant Motion," in the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Taipei, Taiwan, Sept. 2003. (PDF)

  Contact State Computation

Peng Tang and Jing Xiao, "Automatic Generation of High-level Contact State Space between 3-D Curved Objects," International Journal of Robotics Research, 27(7):832-854, July 2008. (PDF)

Peng Tang and Jing Xiao, "Automatic Generation of Contact State Graphs between a Polygon and a Planar Kinematic Chain," in Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, San Diego, Nov. 2007. (PDF)

Peng Tang and Jing Xiao, "Automatic Generation of A High-level Contact State Graph for Assembly between Curved Objects," Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing , Ann Arbor, MI, July 2007.

Wusheng Chou and Jing Xiao, "Real-time and Accurate Multiple Contact Detection between General Curved Objects," Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Beijing, China, Oct. 2006. (PDF)

Peng Tang and Jing Xiao, "Generation of Point-contact State Space between Strictly Curved Objects," 2006 Robotics: Science and Systems, Philadelphia, August 2006.(Download)

Peng Tang and Jing Xiao, "Automatic Generation of Contact State Graphs Based on Curvature Monotonic Segmentation," Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Orlando, May 2006.

Wusheng Chou and Jing Xiao, "An Interactive Approach to Determining Complex Contact States," Proceedings of 2005 IEEE Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning, Montreal, July 19--21, 2005.(PDF)

Ernesto Staffetti, Wim Meeussen, and Jing Xiao, "A New Formalism to Characterize Contact States Involving Articulated Polyhedral Objects," presented at the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Barcelona, April 2005. (PDF)

Peng Tang and Jing Xiao, "Automatic Generation of High-level Contact State Space between Planar Curved Objects," presented at the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Barcelona, April 2005. (PDF)

Wim Meeussen, Jing Xiao, Joris De Schutter, Herman Bruyninckx, and Ernesto Staffetti, "Automatic Verification of Contact States Taking into Account Manipulator Constraints," in the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, New Orleans, April 2004. (PDF)

Qi Luo, Ernesto Staffetti, and Jing Xiao, "Representation of Contact States between Curved Objects," in the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, New Orleans, April 2004. (PDF)

Zhihua Zou and Jing Xiao, "Tracking Minimum Distances between Curved Objects with Parametric Surfaces in Real Time," Proceedings of 2003 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Las Vegas, Oct. 2003. (PDF)

David Johnston and Jing Xiao, "Hierarchical Analysis For Determining Disconnectedness in a Contact Formation," in the Proceedings of 2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Washington D.C., May 2002.

Jing Xiao and Xuerong Ji, "On Automatic Generation of High-level Contact State Space, " International Journal of Robotics Research (and its first multi-media extension issue eIJRR), 20(7):584--606, July 2001. (PDF)

Xuerong Ji and Jing Xiao, "Planning Motion Compliant to Complex Contact States, " International Journal of Robotics Research, 20(6):446-465, June 2001. (PDF)

Xuerong Ji and Jing Xiao, "Planning Motion Compliant to Complex Contact States, " in the Proceedings of 2001 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Seoul, Korea, May 2001. (PDF)

Xuerong Ji and Jing Xiao, "On Random Sampling in Contact Configuration Space, " in the Proceedings of 2000 Workshop on Algorithmic Foundation of Robotics (WAFR) Dartmouth, March 2000. (PDF)

David Johnston and Jing Xiao, "On Relating the Disconnectedness of a Topological contact State to the Geometric Properties of its Constituent Objects," in the Proceedings of 2000 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, San Francisco, April 2000. (Postscript)

Xuerong Ji and Jing Xiao, "Towards Random Sampling with Contact Constraints," in the Proceedings of 2000 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, San Francisco, April 2000. (Postscript)

Jing Xiao and Xuerong Ji, "A Divide-and-Merge Approach to Contact Motion Planning," in the Proceedings of 2000 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, San Francisco, April 2000. (PDF)

  Contact Representation and Recognition

J. Xiao and L. Liu, "Contact States: Representation and Recognizability in the Presence of Uncertainties," in the 1998 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Victoria, B.C., Canada, October 13--17, 1998. (Postscript)

J. Xiao, "Goal-contact Relaxation Graphs for Contact-based Fine Motion Planning," 1997 IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning, Marina del Rey, California, pp. 25--30, August 7--9, 1997. (Postscript)

J. Xiao and L. Zhang, "Contact Constraint Analysis and Determination of Geometrically Valid Contact Formations from Possible Contact Primitives," IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 13(3):456--466, June 1997. (PDF)

J. Xiao and L. Zhang, "Towards Obtaining All Possible Contacts --- Growing A Polyhedron by Its Location Uncertainty," IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 12(4), pages 553-565, August 1996. (PDF)

J. Xiao and L. Zhang, "A General Strategy to Determine Geometrically Valid Contact Formations from Possible Contact Primitives," in the Proceedings of 1995 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Nagoya, Japan, pp. 2728-2733, May 1995. (Postscript)

J. Xiao and L. Zhang, "An Efficient Algorithm (FAPRIC) for Finding the Principal Contacts Possibly Established due to Uncertainties," in the proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Nagoya, Japan, pp. 427-432, May 1995. (Postscript)

J. Xiao and L. Zhang "Automatic Recognition of Contacts in the Presence of Location Uncertainty," in Proc. 1995 NSF Design and Manufacturing Conference, San Diego, pp. 567-568, Jan. 1995.

Jing Xiao, "Towards Obtaining All Possible Contacts --- Growing A Polyhedron by Its Location Uncertainty," Proc. 1994 IEEE/RSJ/GI International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Munich, Germany, pp. 1788-1795, September 1994.
Abstract : This paper provides a general and exact method of growing a polyhedral object in three-dimensional Cartesian space to take into account its orientation and position uncertainties. The work is particularly motivated by the need for automatically recognizing contact situations among objects in spite of uncertainties. The technique of growing surface elements of a polyhedral by uncertainty can be used to extract the set of all possible contact situations among polyhedral objects in the presence of location uncertainties, which can then serve as a basis for further and more accurate extraction of contact information by additional sensing means, such as vision and force/moment sensing.

  Replanning for Robot Motion

A. Saric, J. Xiao, and J. Shi, "Reducing Uncertainty in Robotic Surface Assembly Tasks Based on Contact Information," IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts, Evanston, IL, Sept. 2014. (movie)

A. Saric, J. Xiao, and J. Shi, "Robotic surface assembly via contact state transitions," IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering , Madison, WI, August 2013. (URL)

J. Ma, A. Song, and J. Xiao, "A Robust Static Decoupling Algorithm for 3-Axis Force Sensors Based on Coupling Error Model and -SVR," Sensors, 12(11):14537- 14555, 2012.

O. Brock, J. Kuffner, J. Xiao, "Motion for Manipulation Task," Handbook of Robotics, (B. Siciliano and O. Khatib, Editors), Springer, 2008. The Handbook has won two PROSE Awards presented by the American Association of Publishers, Professional and Scholarly Publishing Division. On February 5, 2009, in Washington, D.C., less than 9 months after its publication, the Handbook was recognized with the PROSE Award in the Engineering & Technology Category, as well as with the Award for Excellence in the overall Physical Sciences & Mathematics Category.

W. Meeussen, E. Staffetti, H. Bruyninckx, J. Xiao, J. De Schutter, "Integration of Planning and Execution in Force Controlled Compliant Motion," Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems , 56(5):437-350, May 2008. (PDF)

W. Meeussen, J. De Schutter, H. Bruyninckx, J. Xiao, E. Staffetti, "Integration of Planning and Execution in Force Controlled Compliant Motion," in the Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Edmonton, Canada, August 2005. (PDF)

  Other Research

Roman Mykhailyshyn and Jing Xiao, "Influence of Inlet Parameters on Power Characteristics of Bernoulli Gripping Devices for Industrial Robots," Applied Sciences, July 2022. (URL)

R. Mykhailyshyn, V. Savkiv, P. Maruschak, J. Xiao, "A Systematic Review on Pneumatic Gripping Devices for Industrial Robots." Transport, 2022, in print.

Yongge Wang and Jing Xiao, "Challenges in wearable healthcare networks," Proceedings of 3rd Int. Joint Topical Meeting on Emergency Preparedness and Response and Robotics and Remote Systems, EPRRSD, and 13th Robotics and Remote Systems for Hazardous Environments, August 2011.

Amar Saric and Jing Xiao, "Efficient Levenberg-Marquardt Minimization of the Cross-Entropy Error Function," Proceedings of 2011 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, San Jose, CA, July 31-Aug. 5, 2011.

H. Rajagopalan, C. Saydam, and J. Xiao, "A Multiperiod Set Covering Location Model for Dynamic Redeployment of Ambulances," Computers and Operations Research, 35:814-826, 2008.

H. Rajagopalan, F. E. Vergara, C. Saydam, and J. Xiao, "Developing Effective Hybrid Meta-Heuristics For A Probabilistic Location Model Via Experimental Design," European Journal of Operational Research,177:83-101, 2007.

H. Rajagopalan, C. Saydam, and J. Xiao, "A Multiperiod Expected Covering Location Model for Dynamic Redeployment of Ambulances," Proceedings of the 10th EWGT Meeting & 16th Mini-EURO Conference, Sep. 13-16, 2005, Poznan, Poland, pp. 621-631.

J. Cheng, Y. Lu, G.Puskorius, S. Bergeon, and J. Xiao, "In-line Vehicle Sequencing based on Evolutionary Computation," presented at the 1999 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Washington, D.C., July 1999.