In the Pipeline
Jie Fu, Abhishek N. Kulkarni, Huan Luo, Nandi O. Leslie, Charles A. Kamhoua,“Secure-by-synthesis network with active deception and temporal logic specifications”, ArXiv, 2020.
Under review
Zhentian Qian, Jie Fu, Quanyan Zhu, "A Receding-Horizon MDP Approach for Performance Evaluation of Moving Target Defense in Networks’’, IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, ArXiv, submitted, 2020.
Journal Publications
Luyao Niu, Jie Fu, Andrew Clark, “Optimal Minimum Violation Control Synthesis of Cyber-Physical Systems
Under Attacks”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, To Appear, 2020.
Bo Lyu, Yanhua Li, Jie Fu, Andrew C. Trapp, Haiyong Xie and Yong Liao,“Scalable User-Substation Assignment with Big Data from Power Grids”, IEEE Transactions on Big Data, vol.PP,
no. 99. 2017. pdf
Erik Skorina, Ming Luo, Weijia Tao, Fuchen Chen, Jie Fu, Cagdas Onal,
“Adapting to Flexibility: Model Reference Adaptive Control of Soft
Bending Actuators”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2017, accepted.
Jie Fu and U. Topcu, "Synthesis of Shared Autonomy Policies With
Temporal Logic Specifications,’’ in IEEE Transactions on
Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 7-17,
Jan. 2016. pdf
Jie Fu and Ufuk Topcu, “Synthesis of joint control and active
sensing strategies under temporal logic
constraints,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.PP,
no.99, pp.1-1, 2016 . pdf
Jie Fu, Herbert G. Tanner, Jeffrey Heinz, Konstantinos
Karydis, Jane Chandlee, and Cesar Koirala, “Symbolic
planning and control using game theory and grammatical
inference,” Engineering Applications of Artificial
Intelligence, vol. 37, pp. 378-391, 2015. pdf
Jie Fu, Herbert G. Tanner, and Jeffrey Heinz, “Concurrent
multi-agent systems with temporal logic objectives: game theoretic
analysis and planning through negotiation,” IET Control
Theory & Applications, vol. 9, iss. 3, pp. 465-474, 2015. link
Jie Fu, Herbert G. Tanner, Jeffrey Heinz, and Jane Chandlee, “Adaptive
symbolic control for finite-state transition systems with
grammatical inference,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control, vol.59, no.2, pp. 505–511, 2014. pdf
Jie Fu and Herbert G. Tanner, “Bottom-up symbolic control:
attractor-based planning and behavior synthesis,” IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control,vol.58, no.12,
pp. 3142–3155, 2013. pdf
Herbert G. Tanner, Jie Fu, Chetan Rawal, Jorge L. Piovesan, and
Chaouki T. Abdallah, “Finite abstractions for hybrid systems
with stable continuous dynamics,” Discrete Event Dynamic
Systems, vol 22, no. 1, pp. 83–99, 2012. pdf
Book Chapter
Jie Fu, Jeffrey Heinz, and Herbert G. Tanner, “An algebraic
characterization of strictly piecewise languages,” In Proceedings
of the 8th annual conference on Theory and Applications of Models of
Computation, pages 252-263, Berlin,
Heidelberg, 2011. Springer-Verlag. pdf
Conference Publications
Abhishek N. Kulkarni, Jie Fu, ‘‘Deceptive Strategy Synthesis under Action Misperception in Reachability Games’’,ArXiv(draft version), International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence, 2020. acceptance rate 12.6%.
Abhishek N. Kulkarni, Jie Fu, “Opportunistic Synthesis in Reactive Games under Information Asymmetry”, arXiv:1906.05847v1 , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2019.
Lening Li, Jie Fu, “Topological Approximate Dynamic Programming under Temporal Logic Constraints”, arXiv:1907.10510v1, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, accepted, 2019.
Songyang Han, Jie Fu, Fei Miao, “Exploiting Beneficial Information Sharing Among Autonomous Vehicles”, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, accepted, 2019.
Lening Li, Jie Fu, “Approximate Dynamic Programming with Probabilistic Temporal Logic Constraints”, arXiv:1810.02199 math.OC, American Control Conference, 2019.
Xuan Liu, Jie Fu, “Compositional Planning in Markov Decision Process: Temporal abstraction meets generalized logic composition”, arXiv:1810.02497 math.OC, American Control Conference, 2019.
Renato Gasoto, Miles Macklin, Xuan Liu, Yinan Sun, Kenny Erleben, Cagdas
Onal, Jie Fu, “ A Validated Physical Model For Real-Time Simulation of Soft Robotic Snakes”, arXiv:1904.02833 ICRA, 2019.
Luyao Niu, Jie Fu, Andrew Clark, “Minimum Violation Control Synthesis on Cyber-Physical Systems under Attacks ”, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, accepted, 2018.
Melkior Ornik, Jie Fu, Niklas Lauffer, Kasun Withanage Perera, Mohammed Alshiekh, Masahiro Ono, Ufuk Topcu, “Expedited Learning in MDPs with Side Information”, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, accepted, 2018.
Steven Paull Carr, Nils Jansen, Ralf Wimmer, Jie Fu, Ufuk Topcu “Human-in-the-Loop Synthesis of Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes”, American Control Conference, 2018. pdf
Abhishek Ninad Kulkarni, Jie Fu, “A Compositional Approach to Reactive Games under
Temporal Logic Specifications”, American Control Conference, 2018. pdf
Guojun Wu, Yichen Ding, Yanhua Li, Jun Luo, Fan Zhang, Jie Fu, “Data-Driven Inverse Learning of Passenger Preferences in Urban Public Transits”, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2017. pdf
Jie Fu, Ivan Papusha, and Ufuk Topcu, “Sampling-based approximate optimal control under temporal logic constraints”, 20th ACM International Conference on
Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 2017. pdf
Lening Li, Jie Fu, “Sampling-based approximate optimal temporal logic planning”, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Singapore, 2017, pp. 1328-1335. pdf
Bo Lyu, Shijian Li, Yanhua Li, Jie Fu, Andrew Trapp, Haiyong Xie and Yong Liao, “Scalable User Assignment in Power Grid: A Data Driven Approach”, 24th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances
in Geographic Information Systems, 2016. pdf
Rayna Dimitrova, Jie Fu, Ufuk Topcu, “Robust optimal policies for
Markov decision processes with safety-threshold constraints”, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2016. pdf
Ivan Papusha, Jie Fu, Ufuk Topcu, and Richard M. Murray, “Automata
Theory Meets Approximate Dynamic Programming: Optimal Control with
Temporal Logic Constraints”, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
2016. pdf
Jie Fu, Nikolay Atanasov, Ufuk Topcu, and George J. Pappas,
“Optimal temporal logic planning in probabilistic semantic maps,”
IEEE Robotics and Automation Conference, 2016.
Jie Fu and Ufuk Topcu, “Computational methods for stochastic
control with metric interval temporal logic specifications,”
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2015. pdf
Jie Fu, Shuo Han, and Ufuk Topcu, “Optimal control in markov
decision processes via distributed optimization,” IEEE Conference
on Decision and Control, 2015. pdf
Jie Fu and Ufuk Topcu, “Integrating active sensing into
reactive synthesis with temporal logic constraints under partial
observations,” American Control Conference, 2015. pdf
Jie Fu and Ufuk Topcu, “Probably approximately correct MDP
learning and control with temporal logic constraints”, Robotics:
Science and Systems, 2014. pdf
Jie Fu, Rayna Dimitrova, and Ufuk Topcu, “Abstractions and
sensor design in partial-information, reactive controller
synthesis,” American Control Conference, 2014. pdf
Jie Fu, Herbert G. Tanner, and Jeffrey Heinz, “Adaptive
planning in unknown environments using grammatical
inference,” IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and
Control, pp.5357–5363, 2013. pdf
Jie Fu, Shridhar Shah, and Herbert
G. Tanner, “Hierarchical control via approximate simulation
and feedback linearization,” American Control Conference,
pp.1816–1821, 2013. pdf
Jane Chandlee, Jie Fu, Konstantinos Karydis, Cesar Koirala,
Jeffrey Heinz, and Herbert G. Tanner, “Integrating
grammatical inference into robotic planning,” 11th
International Conference on Grammatical Inference, vol 21. pp.
69–83, 2012. pdf
Jie Fu and Herbert G. Tanner, “Optimal
planning on register automata,” American Control
Conference, pp. 4540–4545, 2012. pdf
Preferred workshop and invited talks
“Lecture 2: Formal Methods and Optimal Control Techniques for Autonomous Vehicles,” The IEEE VTS Connected & Autonomous Vehicles Summer School @ WPI,, July 28-29, 2016, Worcester, MA, USA. - - “Probably Approximately Correct MDP Learning and Control
With Temporal Logic Constraints,”
Robotic Science and Systems Workshop on
Guaranteed Safety for Uncertain Robotic Systems, July 13, 2014,
UC Berkeley, CA, USA.
“Bottom-up Abstraction and Optimal Planning for a Class of
Hybrid Systems,”
Centre for Intelligent Machines Informal Systems Seminar
Series at the McGill University, March 21, 2014, Quebec,
“Adaptive Symbolic Control with Grammatical Inference,”
ESE Special Seminar Series at the University of Pennsylvania, May 2, 2013, PA, USA.
“Bottom-up Symbolic Control and Adaptive Systems:
Abstraction, Planning and Learning,” PhD Thesis, University of
Delaware, 2013. pdf