Timer Class Reference

#include <Timer.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Timer (void)
unsigned long Get (void)
void Reset (void)
void Start (void)
void Stop (void)

Detailed Description

Timer objects measure accumulated time in milliseconds. The timer object functions like a stopwatch. It can be started, stopped, and cleared. When the timer is running its value counts up in milliseconds. When stopped, the timer holds the current value. The implemenation simply records the time when started and subtracts the current time whenever the value is requested.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Timer::Timer ( void   ) 

Create a new timer object. Create a new timer object and reset the time to zero. The timer is initially not running and must be started.

Member Function Documentation

unsigned long Timer::Get ( void   ) 

Get the current time from the timer. If the clock is running it is derived from the current system clock the start time stored in the timer class. If the clock is not running, then return the time when it was last stopped. //unsigned Current time value for this timer in milliseconds

unsigned Current time value for this timer in microseconds (uSeconds)

void Timer::Reset ( void   ) 

Reset the timer by setting the time to 0. Make the timer startTime the current time so new requests will be relative now

void Timer::Start ( void   ) 

Start the timer running. Just set the running flag to true indicating that all time requests should be relative to the system clock.

void Timer::Stop ( void   ) 

Stop the timer. This computes the time as of now and clears the running flag, causing all subsequent time requests to be read from the accumulated time rather than looking at the system clock.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Thu Oct 2 14:01:33 2008 for WPI Robotics Library by  doxygen 1.5.5