DS551/CS525 - Reinforcement Learning - Fall 2023Version: June 24th, 2023
Grading:The breakdown between the various components of the course for which you can collect credits is as follows:10% --- Oral Work: Readings done before class, including powerpoints prepared, presentations given, understanding illustrated, participation in class. 30% --- Quizzes, Exams. 60% --- Projects: Project 1 (5%), Project 2 (10%), Project 3 (15%), Project 4 (30%). Homeworks and Other Tasks
Grading Philosophy
For Graduate Students: A grade of "A" will indicate significant achievement beyond the basic objectives - basically an excellent job. While a grade of "C" indicates that not all basic objectives were met, but work was satisfactory for credit. A "D" grade will be given if the student's performance in the course is unacceptable for graduate credit. A grade of "F" indicates that the student did not perform work suitable for receiving graduate credit, and this is usually associated with academic dishonesty or simply you stopping to do any work. For Undergraduate Students: A grade "A": significant achievement beyond the basic objectives - basically an excellent job. A grade "B": the basic objectives for the course have been met. A grade "C": not all basic objectives were met. A grade "NR" (no record): the student's performance in the course is unacceptable for graduate credit. Late Policy
yli15 at wpi.edu |