
Course Description

In this class, the primary goal is to advance our abilities to speak, read, and write in the target language. This is an immersive class, meaning that our teacher, Madame (or Senora for Spanish) Wildfong speaks solely in the target language and we will lose participation points if we do not do the same. This may sound overwhelming, but even as someone who never took French before coming to Mass Academy, it has been a very effective and enjoyable experience. Being in the intermediate class, most of the activities we do involve learning vocabulary and grammar and reading simple French books, but we also occasionally play games in French (such as Monopoly and Clue). Below you can find some examples of the work we have completed in this course.

La Recette Présentation (Recipe Presentation)

One of the main parts of learning a language is also learning the culture of the region it is primarily used in. And one of the main aspects of culture is food! So for this assignment, we were tasked with choosing a French recipe and not only describing the recipe in our target language but also actually making it to share with the rest of the class! I decided to make Clafoutis, a crustless, tart-like dessert that is lined with fruit, or in my case, blueberries. I was able to get an authentic recipe from one of my French classmates at Mass Academy. Not only was this an overall simple dessert to make, but I also really enjoyed the taste as it was not too sweet but also a little tart from the blueberries. I also had a great time tasting all the different types of French dishes that my other classmates prepared. If you are curious about how to make this simple and tasty treat, feel free to check out my slideshow below:

Les Mèmes (Memes)

To solidify our understanding of the language and also reflect on our experience at Mass Academy during A term, we were tasked with creating memes in French that represented some of the universal experiences students often faced while attending the #3 public high school in America. We had a lot of fun coming up with these memes and looking back at our first quarter of junior year. We hope that you find them (at least somewhat) entertaining as well!

French Meme #1 French Meme #2 French Meme #3 French Meme #4
Have a wonderful day, you deserve it :)