Editor for Springer's The Journal of Cryptographic Engineering.
Guest Editor for IEEE Embedded Systems Letters Special Issue on Embedded System Security.
General Co-Chair:
CHES 2013
TPC Co-chair:
CARDIS 2017,
SPACE 2017,
LightSEC 2014,
WESS 2013
PC Member:
USENIX Security 2022,
IEEE Security & Privacy 2022,
EuroCRYPT 2021,
USENIX Security 2021,
CRYPTO 2020,
EuroCRYPT 2020,
CARDIS 2019,
CHES 2019,
PQCrypto 2019,
DATE 2019,
Kangacrypt 2018,
CHES 2018,
PQCrypto 2018,
AsiaCRYPT 2017,
CHES 2017,
VLSISoC 2017,
COSADE 2017,
SEMS 2017,
RFIDsec 2016,
AsiaCRYPT 2016,
CARDIS 2016,
TrustED 2016,
COSADE 2016,
TrustED 2015,
CARDIS 2015,
CHES 2015,
Latincrypt 2015,
RFIDsec 2015,
COSADE 2015,
ReConFig 2014,
CARDIS 2014,
M2MSec 2014,
WESS 2014,
CHES 2014,
RFIDsec 2014,
RFIDsec 2013,
ICICS 2013,
CHES 2012,
ISC 2010
A presentation on research exchanges with Europe and Germany and some additional links.