Home Pages of Ted Clancy

The following is a sample of projects related to my research which I would like to see initiated or continued.  They are listed in no particular order of importance, and are representative of the type of project work in which I am interested.  Many variations and combinations of these projects are possible.  Please contact me if you are interested in any of the projects or the sort of work that they represent.

Wearable Wireless Medical & Health Sensors

     We are designing a wireless electromyogram (EMG) sensor for use in myoelectric prosthesis control. The aim is to make the sensor package as small as possible, but battery-powered for as long as possible. The work includes some analog design of the EMG transduction and conditioning electronics; real-time signal processing on a small, low-powered microprocessor; transmission to a base station (currently using the Bluetooth protocol); then back-end processing of the received signal for control of a prosthetic hand and/or wrist.

Motor Unit Decomposition and Spatial Filtering

     When muscles contract, individual groups of muscle fibers emit repeated, non-periodic bursts of electrical activity.  These electrical bursts travel down the muscle fiber at speeds of 2-6 m/s, and are known as action potentials.  With available electronic recording apparatus and sampling rates, it is possible to follow an action potential as it traverses the muscle, by observing from several recording sites along the path, and/or as it travels past one recording site.  At any one time, many muscle fiber groups (known as motor units) can be simultaneously active.  In order to understand how the body controls muscular activation, in both health and pathology, it is necessary to decompose the electrical activity of several motor units into their constituent activations.  This process is known as motor unit decomposition.  Most decomposition is achieved by inserting needle electrodes into the muscle.  These electrodes preferentially record the activity of only a few motor units in their immediate vicinity, simplifying decomposition.  Recently, arrays of electrodes have been placed on the skin surface, and arranged to have the necessary spatial selectivity to also see only the activity of a few dominant motor units.
     I am now beginning activity in the development of such surface recording arrays (and also participate in studies that utilize the needle recordings).  I am interested in developing signal processing/ pattern recognition algorithms to perform motor unit decomposition.  This work should expand upon existing algorithms available in the literature, and take advantage of the ongoing advances in computing power.  A related interest is in spatial filtering of the surface array data.  Certain linear combinations of the electrical activity from the individual array elements are more selective of the electrical signal from a distinct volume of the muscle.  More selective "spatially filtered" recordings are easier to decompose.  Thus, I am also interested in the design of these spatial filters.  This work may include electrophysiologic modeling, as well as signal processing.
     Applications of this work include: clinical evaluation of neuromuscular function (particularly in children, who do not well tolerate existing needle examinations); and scientific/ergonomic studies of muscle function in health and disease.

Electromyogram Amplitude Estimation

The electromyogram (EMG), or electrical activity of skeletal muscle, can be modeled as a Gaussian random process plus noise.  The process is zero mean with a covariance matrix that is constant except for a scaling factor.  The scaling factor increases with muscular effort.  Thus, EMG can be modeled as a zero-mean, unit-variance, quasi-stationary Gaussian random process multiplied by an amplitude.  The amplitude is time-varying, and thus may be better described as a modulating factor.  EMG amplitude estimation is the problem of estimating the modulating factor (which is the time-varying standard deviation of the process) as a function of time (and generally in the presence of noise).

Improved Adaptive Whitening and Adaptive Noise Attenuation of Electromyograms

     Because the sampled EMG are correlated, direct estimation of the standard deviation by the classical statistics estimation formula is inappropriate (the classical formula requires that the EMG samples be independent).  Hence, the time sample should be orthogonalized, or whitened.  Recently, an adaptive whitening method was developed.  This method adapts the whitening filter as a function of the amplitude by accounting for measurement noise in the recorded EMG.  At each amplitude level, the relative strength of the noise (which is assumed to be stationary) differs.  At low EMG amplitudes, the relative strength of background noise is large.  At high EMG amplitudes, the relative strength of background noise is small.  An adaptive Wiener filter was developed to attenuate the noise.
     While the initial adaptive Weiner filter was succesful, several improvements to it are in order.  This project will follow-up the previous work and develop the necessary improvements.  These improvements include:  determining the maximum frequency out to which whitening is useful, developing the adaptive Wiener filter as a general noise attenuator even when the amplitude of the EMG is not needed, and altering the adaptive Wiener filter to require less calibration and fewer coefficients (the existing algorithm is very robust, but very inefficient in its use of filter coefficients).

Generalized Non-Stationary Smoother for EMG Amplitude Estimation

     Because EMG can be thought of as a random process, smoothing the amplitude can decrease the noise in the amplitude estimate.  However, the decreased noise comes at the cost of increased bias in the estimate.  Therefore, optimal estimators have been developed that vary the amount of smoothing depending on the dynamics of the amplitude.  When the amplitude is changing rapidly, little smoothing should be used.  When the amplitude is changing slowly, much smoothing should be used.  In the past, adaptive smoothers which adapt the amount of smoothing on a sample-by-sample basis have been developed.  Unfortunately, both simulation and experimental studies indicate that the most common adaptive smoothing strategy, varying the cut-off frequency of a low-pass filter, most often does not improve the amplitude estimate.

     In this project, a new concept for non-stationary processing of the EMG will be considered.  Instead of considering only a one-dimensional problem (i.e., the location of a cut-off frequency), the complete shape of a linear filter will be studied.  In other words, the original works asked how to optimize the location of the cut-off frequency of an averaging filter in order to form the best estimate.  This project will attempt to ask how to optimize a complete linear filter in order to form the best estimate.  A more generalized smoother will result.
     Applications of this work include: the control of powered prosthetics; stroke rehabilitation biotherapy; ergonomic assessment of work activities and performance.

EMG-Torque Modeling, EMG-Impedance Modeling

One application of EMG amplitude is estimation of joint torque.  Typically, EMG from both agonist and antagonist muscles about a joint are monitored and then related to the net torque about the joint.  This work involves black box modeling (a.k.a. system identification).  Thus far, we have been working with constant-posture, nonfatiguing, (attempted) flexion-extension about the elbow.  We have looked at (quasi-) constant torque and dynamically varying torque conditions.  We would like to continue these studies and move towards progressively more complex situations, including:  evaluation at multiple angles, evaluation in more dynamic conditions, more degrees of freedom (e.g., adding supination-pronation to flexion-extension), more complex joints (e.g., shoulder, wrist), multiple joints, and more muscles (and muscle sites) monitored.
     A related interest is the relationship between EMG amplitude and the mechanical impedance produced by a limb.  Presently, we are investigating the linearized mechanical impedance (characterized as a second-order system with stiffness, viscosity and inertia) about the elbow joint.  Our long-term goal is to be able to use EMG amplitude to estimate joint impedance.
     Applications include: assessment of work activities and performance; musculoskeletal modeling; and control of powered prostheses.

Interactive, Self-Study Teaching Modules for EMG

Recently, Roberto Merletti and Phil Parker edited a new, graduate-level anthology of topics related to EMG signal processing. Their text, titled "Electromyography: Physiology, Engineering, and Non-Invasive Applications" (Wiley-IEEE Press, 2004) contains 18 chapters of material from basic electromygraphic physiology to EMG signal processing. The text is an excellent background for work in my field. (The text does NOT include exercises.) Unfortunately, this field may be too narrow in topic for this text to be the basis of a regular, lecture-based university course.
     Thus, I am interested in the development of an electronic self-study course based around this book. This project would investigate ways to design such a self-study and/or produce the self-study for one or more chapters. Any one project would likely not provide self-study materials for all 18 chapters. However, each chapter is stand-alone, as each was written by a different set of authors. This type of self-study would be the basis for myself to train future students in the field and would be made available to other researchers around the world.

Maintained by ted@wpi.edu
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