Clancy, Ph.D. Thesis (MIT),
- p. 89, 4th to last line: Change "account" to "accounts".
- p. 116, line 16: Change "Lyung" to "Ljung".
- p. 123: Inside the square root in the equation should be changed
from "2 N Br L" to "2 N 2Br L".
- p. 141, 4th to last line: Change "was" to "were".
- p. 165, line 8: Change "1048" to "1024".
- p. 174, line 11: Change "form 17.4" to "from 17.4".
- p. 179, Fig. 5.22, last column, item "2) ... 4 filter coefficients":
Change "60" to "58".
- p. 180, Fig. 5.22, last column, item 3: The column entries should
be changed from 56, 66, 67, 68, 68, 69, 69, 69, to 56, 60, 61, 62, 62,
63, 63, 63.
- p. 196, last line: Change "<" to ">".
- p. 203, last line: Change "four and eight" to "four, six and eight".
- p. 223, Fig. 6.22, last column, item 3: The column entries should
be changed from 235, 239, 244, 245, 245, 245, 245, 244, 244, 244 to 135,
139, 144, 45, 145, 145, 145, 144, 144, 144.
- p. 225, Fig 6.22, last column, item 9, 10% MVC: Change "151" to "149".
- p. 268, lines 89: Change "A single whitening" to "A single five
coefficient moving average whitening".
- p. 268, line 12: Change "and approximate" to "an approximate".
- p. 268, line 17: Change "it PSD" to "its PSD".
- p. 274, line 18: Change "of a set of fit" to "on a set of fit".
- p. 277, last line of footnote: Change "as" to "an".
- p. 289, line 6: Change "amplitudes" to "waveforms".
- p. 304, line 8: Change "then 10%" to "than 10%".
- p. 306, line 2: Change "contaction" to "contraction".
- p. 308, lines 910: Change "Experimental" to "Experiment".
- p. 318: The right-hand side of the equation should be raised to the
½ power, not the second power.
- p. 329, Fig. 10.12, line 2 of caption: Change "the the" to "the".
- p. 349, Fig. 10.25, line 1 of caption: Change "1053" to "1170".
- p. 349, Fig. 10.25, line 3 of caption: Change "243" to "270".
- p. 351, Fig. 10.26, line 4 of caption: Change "243" to "270".
- p. 357, line 4: Change "is some sense" to "in some sense".
- p. 380, line 14: Change "the correlation function" to "the discrete-time
correlation function".
- p. 450, line 10: The summation in the equation should run from (q-1)J
+ 1 to qJ.
- p. 452, line 11: The summation in the equation should run from (q-1)1
+ 1 to q1.
- p. 453, last equation on page: The range of the equation should be
listed for variable "Mi", not variable "Xi".
- p. 455, first equation on page: The two ranges should be listed for
variable "M", not variable "Mi".
- p. 491, 5th line from bottom: Change "has" to "had".
- p. 502, last line of Cavanaugh et al., 1983a: Change "1982" to 1983".
- p. 506, last line of Knowlton et al., 1956: Change "Vol. 9" to "Journal
of Applied Physiology, Vol. 9".
- p. 508, 2nd line of Press et al., 1998: Change "Willian" to "William".