Organization Post Season Teams Information Schedule/Results Home
Area City, State Phone Number
Wachusett Ski Area: Princeton, MA (978) 464-2300
Wachusett Ski Area

From Worcester (1/2 hour)

Take Rt. 290 East to Rt. 190 North to Exit 5.Rt. 140 North nine miles to access road.From the Mass Piketake Exit 10 Auburn to Rt. 290 East and proceed as above.

From Boston (1 hour)

Take Rt. 2 West to Exit 25 for Westminster/Princeton.

Take Rt. 140 South to access road.

From Providence (1 hour)

Take Rt. 146 North to Rt. 290 East to Rt. 190 North.

Take Exit 5 Rt. 140 North nine miles to access road.

From Hartford, CT (1 1/2 hours)

Take Rt. 84 East to the Mass Pike East

to Exit 10 Auburn to Rt. 290 East to 

Rt. 190 North to Exit 5. Rt. 140 North nine miles to access road.

From Nashua, NH (1/2 hour)

Take Rt. 130 West to Rt. 13 South to Rt. 2A

West to Rt. 140 South or Rt. 3 South to Rt. 495 South

to Rt. 2 West Exit 25 Rt. 140 South to access road. 

Registration:Main Lodge:Main Lodge

Race Secretary      Beth Toohey

24 C Calamint Hill Road North,   Princeton, MA 01415

(978) 464-2161

Space for this site is provided by the WPI Ski Teams