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Area City, State Phone Number
Eaglebrook Ski Area: Deerfield, MA (413) 774-7411
Eaglebrook Ski Area

From Boston or the East

Choice No. 1:

Time: two hours, 30 minutes from Boston. Take Rt. 2 West via Concord off Rt. 128 and continue on Rt. 2 to the light at the Turners Falls Dam - at mile 55 - the first light after Erving and a Mobil station is to the right. Go left across the Dam Bridge and continue on through Turners Falls. After the second bridge bear left into Greenfield at city limit. Continue on through a narrow underpass and under railroad tracks. Take the next left and immediately another left onto Rts. 5 and 10 across a bridge into Deerfield. Continue on Rts. 5 and 10 about 2 miles and turn left up the hill through an underpass to Eaglebrook - 1/2 mile.

Choice No. 2:

Time: one hour, forty-five minutes to two hours, fifteen minutes from Rt. 128 junction with the tpke ($2.85 each way). Take Mass Tpke to the W. Springfield and Rt. 91 exit (Exit 4). Take Route 91 north to Exit 24 for Deerfield and Conway at mile 34. Take a right at the end of the off ramp and go about 5 miles on Rts. 5 and 10. Shortly past the first filling station (Sunoco) take a right up the hill through an underpass to Eaglebrook - one-half mile.

From the West

Come in on Rt. 2 to Greenfield. About 1/2 mile after you go under Rt. 91 you will come to a traffic light with a Dunkin Donut shop to your right.. Turn rightat that light and stay on that road until it dead ends into Rts. 5 and 10. Turn right and continue about 3 to 3-1/2 miles to a sign for Eaglebrook on the left side of the road. Turn left up the hill through an underpass to Eaglebrook School - 1/2 mile. 

From the North

Get to Route 91 and proceed south to the exit for Greenfield Center and Route 2 West. Come down 91 and follow the directions from the west. 

From the South

Get to Rt. 91 North. Take 91 North to Exit 24 for Deerfield and Conway at mile 34. Take a right at the end of the off ramp and go about five miles on Rts. 5 and 10. Shortly past the first filling station (Sunoco) take a right up the hill through an underpass to Eaglebrook - 1/2 mile. 

Registration: Main entry foyer of gymnasium.

Eaglebrook Race Secretary

Jack Shea

Eaglebrook School

Deerfield, MA01342

(413) 625-2753

Space for this site is provided by the WPI Ski Teams