Summer 1998 Central Mass Bird Sightings

Sightings in reverse chronological order:

8/24/98 -- Quinepoxet Basin, West Boylston
A BAIRD'S SANDPIPER has been here since Saturday 8/22, and seen by a number of observers (most recently MOnday evening 8/24 at 7:20 pm). From the intersection of rts. 12 and 140 in West Boylston center (with churches on either side), take Central St through the town center, past the schools, andj continue on Thomas St down a long hill. At the bottom of the hill, just past River Rd (on the left), park in a small gravel parking area on the left. The bird has been spending time in the grassy area across the road from the ball field, and flying to the shoreline just behind the ballfield. (report from Fran McMenemy)

8/16/98 -- Gardner
A Sunday morning birdwalk yielded 67 species, including an AMERICAN BITTERN, GREAT HORNED OWL, 1 SEMIPALMATED PLOVER (present from 8/12-8/14), 3 SOLITARY SANDPIPERS, 6 LEAST SANDPIPERS, 1 COOPER'S HAWK (imm), and 1 HORNED LARK (imm or molting). (report from Tom Pirro).

8/11/98 -- Broad Meadow Brook Sanctuary, Worcester
Two GREAT-HORNED OWLS were found on the sanctuary (report from John Liller).

8/7/98 -- High Ridge WMA, Gardner
From the Smith St. end, there were 1 AMERICAN BITTERN, 3 GREAT EGRET (present since 8/5), 4 GREEN HERON, 1 SORA (imm), 1 RED-SHOULDERED HAWK (juv), 2 NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH (1 singing), and A ALDER FLYCATCHER (singing). (report from Tom Pirro).

8/7/98 -- Institute Park, Worcester
A GREAT EGRET was found at 12:30 pm, but it stayed only about 10 minutes. There were also 3 adult BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERONS and 2 GREAT BLUE HERONS (report from Rick Quimby).

8/5/98 -- High Ridge WMA, Gardner
In the evening there were 3 GREAT EGRETS at the Smith Street Marsh, along with 1 GREEN HERON, 1 SORA, and a singing NORHTERN WATERTHRUSH. At Parker's Pond on 8/6/98 there were 23 LEAST SANDPIPERS, 3 SOLITARY SANDPIPERS, and 5 SPOTTED SANDPIPERS. (report from Tom Pirro).

7/30/98 -- Broad Meadow Brook Sanctuary, Worcester
An adult and immature RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER were observed, indicating successful breeding (report from John Liller).

7/27/98 -- Bent's Pond, Gardner
There were 2 GLOSSY IBIS feeding in the low waters of this small pond this evening, but they were not seen the following day 7/28. Also seen were 1 SOLITARY SANDPIPER and approx 10 LEAST SANDPIPER. (report from Tom Pirro).

7/25/98 -- High Ridge WMA, Gardner
From the Smith St. entrance there were 9 SOLITARY SANDPIPERS and 7 LEAST SANDPIPERS (report from Tom Pirro).

7/6/98 -- Institute Park, Worcester
An adult BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON was seen today at the pond, the first of the "post-breeding dispersal" birds often seen here during the summer and early fall (report from Rick Quimby).

6/27/98 -- Gardner Airport
There were 2 streaked juvenile Horned Larks at the airport (report from Tom Pirro).

6/20/98 -- Broad Meadow Brook Sanctuary, Worcester
During the breeding bird survey, most notable was the absence of Eastern Bluebird and Veery, for the first time since official records have been kept. (report from John Liller).

6/11/98 -- Gardner and vicinity
This morning at the Gardner end of High Ridge WMA off Smith street between 5:30 and 6:30 AM there were 1 American Bittern (Calling continuously), 1 Hooded Merganser Female exiting a nest box, 3 Wood Duck (1 Female with young), 1 Willow and 2 Alder Flycatchers (both could be heard from same spot). (report from Tom Pirro)

6/6/98 -- Gardner and vicinity
Evening of 6-5-98, 2 Whip Poor-will at the Gardner Airport. On 6-6-98 in Westiminster, 1 American Bittern , 1 Sora , 1 Virginia Rail , 2 Pileated Woodpecker , 3 Alder Flycatcher , 1 Willow Flycatcher , 1 Least Flycatcher , 15 or 20 Bobolink (report from Tom Pirro)

6/6/98 -- Broad Meadow Brook Wildlife Sanctuary, Worcester
Among the usual breeding birds, notable were 12 WOOD THRUSH (this is a good number during the breeding season), and 1 BLACK-THROATED GREEN WARBLER (1st June record for BMB) (report from John Liller).

For previous sightings, see Spring 1998 Archive or Sightings Archive Index