Optical excitations and ultrafast carrier dynamics in nanomaterials
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Carrier relaxation, diffusion and trapping at defect sites all occur within the first tens to hundreds of picoseconds following photoexcitation. All these processes are critical to the operation of nanomaterial-based photonic devices, such as solar and photoelectrochemical cells, and it is important to understand them in order to engineer efficient devices. Time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy (TRTS) is an all-optical, contact-free technique that is uniquely suited for exploring carrier dynamics and conductivity in materials with sub-picosecond time resolution and on length scales of 1-100 nm. We interested in investigating ultrafast carrier transport in various novel materials for solar energy conversion application. Ultrafast THz Physics Lab is a part of WPI Energy Research Center. We work with researchers from WPI, including WPI NanoEnergy Lab (PI - Pratap Rao), Grimmgroup (PI - Ron Grimm) and others, as well as with researcher in other universities in US and abroad. Figure: TRTS applied to study photoexcited carrier dynamics in silicon nanocrystals embedded in silicon dioxide. (a) Example of a THz pulse waveform. The corresponding Fourier amplitude spectrum is shown in the inset. (b) Change in transmission of the main peak of the THz probe pulse as a function of time delay with respect to a 400 nm, 100 fs pump pulse for a silicon nanocrystal film with Si volume fraction of 51%. Change in THz peak transmission is proportional to the time-dependent photoconductivity induced by the pump pulse. Inset – schematic diagram of the optical-pump/THz-probe experiment. (c) Real (solid red squares) and imaginary (open blue squares) components of the complex conductivity of a silicon nanocrystal film measured 50 ps after photoexcitation. (d) Complex conductivity of photoexcited bulk single crystal silicon. |