WPI - Ultrafast Phenomena and Terahertz Physics Laboratory

Prof. Lyubov Titova


Book chapter

“Biological Effects of Broadband THz pulses,” L.V. Titova, F.A. Hegmann, and O. Kovalchuk, in Terahertz Biomedical Science and Technology (J.-H. Son, Ed., Taylor & Francis, 2014).

Selected publications

“Generation of terahertz radiation from optically excited aligned carbon nanotubes,” L.V. Titova, C.L. Pint, Q. Zhang, R.H. Hauge,  J.Kono, and F.A. Hegmann, Nano Letters 15, 3267 (2015).
“Evolution of the Ultrafast Photoluminescence of Colloidal Silicon Nanocrystals with Changing Surface Chemistry,” Z. Yang, G. B. De los Reyes, L.V. Titova, I. Sychugov, M. Dasog, J. Linnros, F.A. Hegmann, and J. G. C. Veinot, ACS Photonics 2, 595 (2015).
M. Dasog, G.B. De los Reyes, L.V Titova, F. A Hegmann, J.G.C. Veinot “Size vs. Surface: Tuning the Photoluminescence of Freestanding Silicon Nanocrystals across the Visible Spectrum via Surface Groups,” ACS Nano (2014).
L. V. Titova, A. Ayesheshim, A. Golubov, R.Rodriguez-Juarez, R. Woycicki, F. A. Hegmann, and O. Kovalchuk, “Intense THz pulses down-regulate genes association with non-melanoma skin cancer and psoriasis in human skin: a new therapeutic avenue?” Sci. Rep. 3, 2363 ( 2013).
L. V. Titova, A. K. Ayesheshim, A. Golubov, D. Fogen, R. Rodriguez-Juarez, F. A. Hegmann, and O. Kovalchuk, “Intense THz pulses cause H2AX phosphorylation and activate DNA damage response inhuman skin,” Biomed. Opt. Express 4, 559 (2013). Press releases: Optical Society of America and Physics World
T.L. Cocker, L.V. Titova, S. Fourmaux, G. Holloway, H.-C. Bandulet, D. Brassard, J.-C. Kieffer, M.A. El Khakani, and F.A. Hegmann, “Phase diagram of the ultrafast photoinduced insulator-metal transition in vanadium dioxide,” Phys. Rev. B 85, 155120 (2012).
L.V. Titova, T.L. Cocker, D.G. Cooke, X. Wang, A. Meldrum, and F.A. Hegmann, “Ultrafast Percolative Transport Dynamics in Silicon Nanocrystal Films,” Phys. Rev. B. 83, 085403 (2011).
L.V. Titova, T.B. Hoang, J.M. Yarrison-Rice, H.E. Jackson, Y. Kim, H.J. Joyce, Q. Gao, H. H. Tan, C. Jagadish, X. Zhang, J. Zou, and L. M. Smith, “Dynamics of Strongly Degenerate Electron-Hole Plasmas and Excitons in Single InP Nanowires,” Nano Letters 7, 3383 (2007).
T.B. Hoang, L.V. Titova, J.M. Yarrison-Rice, H.E. Jackson, A.O. Govorov, Y. Kim, H.J. Joyce, H.H. Tan, C. Jagadish and L.M. Smith, “Resonant Excitation and Imaging of Nonequilibrium Exciton Spins in Single Core-Shell GaAs-AlGaAs Nanowires,” Nano Letters 7, 588 (2007).

Full list of publications