About Me

Image of Hannah butterfly embroidery patch


This year, I am participating in Math Team and Biotech club! Math is not one of my strongest subjects, but I find problem solving to be a lot of fun! As for Biotech Club, currently we have been doing a lot of experimentation surrounding Drosophila, or fruit flies, such as how Drosophila with white eyes react to light exposure compared to a wild type fly population. I'm very grateful that I get to go to a school with the resources to conduct research like this! Check back in for more updates on extracurriculars!


One of my hobbies is designing and sewing clothes. So, when I was president at my sending school's Fashion Club, I organized a Fashion Show fundraiser for our club. This experience taught me a lot of skills involving collaboration, organization, and how to be a leader. Click here to see photos from the Fashion Show!
The reason I love sewing and Fashion is because it is a combination of creative thinking and creation (and even math, believe it or not!). I love activities that let me unwind and be creative, which is why I like drawing and dancing so much, however sewing has a physical reward to it; I get to design the garments of my dreams and wear it too! In addition to sewing, I also crochet and knit!

pattern draft on mannequin skirt on mannequin sewing process

Hannah in Indian outfit


I am half Indian, half Haitian, and a Catholic Christian. In my Freshman year of high school I participated in my school's South Asian dance team which helped me delve into the art of different dance forms that originated in India. Being Haitian is also a big part of my identity, but I have never visited the country before, especially now with incline of corruption and gang violence. News about Haiti in the US is very scarce so if you would like to learn more about the situation in Haiti, click here!