Worcester Polytechnic Institute

The Vector – Signal Analogy



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A vector can be thought of as a sum of its components, i and j for example.  This is equivalent in the sense of signals.  Just as in physics when the dot product is used to breakdown vectors, the dot product can be used on signals. The dot product of a signal is represented as.  When the dot product of two vectors or signals is zero the result is orthogonality.  For example, the i and j components of a vector are orthogonal.  They have nothing in common, which suits them for being combined to create a vector.  A basis signal g(t), a signal function found to be orthogonal, can be used to make up a signal.

 Where c is the amount of the signal g(t) needed to represent f(t). 


This topic is well depicted in the beginning of Discovery Project 2 from EE 2311.  The project is definitely worth a look.








