Bridge Course
Websites - WPI:
EE 2311 Continuous Time Signals and System Analysis
MA 2071 Linear Algebra
ECE Discovery Project 2 talks about vectors, signals and orthogonality.
Related Links At
Other Universities:
Johns Hopkins University Demonstrations of Fourier Series Approximation as well as many other interesting applets.
Fourier Series Description by Mathworld Wolfram Research.
Fourier Series Tutorial with many animations to express the math.
Fourier Series to Fourier Transform and everything in between.
Series Example of 1 through 10 sinusoids used to approximate a
square wave.
Fourier Synthesis from Sine or
Cosine functions with audio. highly recommended!!
Fourier Series Tool to create a signal from its coefficients and then animate each level of Fourier Approximation.
Fourier Series Applet of triangular wave showing spectrum points.
Fourier Series to Transform Tool which begins with a periodic function and slowly focuses on only one occurrence.
Fourier Transforms of many signals with optional offset and delay.
Correlation Tool to create two signals and compute their correlation.
Vectors, Signals, Orthogonality, and Basis Sets description with mathematical examples.
Orthonormal Basis Set Description