CS 530: Developing User Interfaces
Course Resources
Human-Computer Interaction Research References
HTML, Javascript, CSS References
Design Resources
- Adobe Color: interactive web app to help you choose nice color schemes
- Colour Lovers: a community of people who post and vote on color palettes
- Colorgorical: research-driven model to help you create color palettes that are both aesthetically pleasing and optimized for communicating data
- LOLColors: curated color palette inspiration
- Fontpair: collection of fonts that go well together
- Beautiful Web Type: showcases the most beautiful fonts from Google’s free WebFonts collection
- Subtle Patterns: a great collection of unobtrusive background patterns for a website
- icons8: huge collection of icons
- Noun Project: enormous collection of well-designed icons. Many are free (at least with attribution)
- Flat Icon: sets of icons with visually consistent design
- Sketch: Mac OS X app to help you draw new designs. Free trial or $50 student license
- FindA.Photo: search engine for free stock photos that includes search-by-color
- Pexels: high quality free stock photos that you can use
- Frontify: rapidly create a style guide for your app
- Unsplash: you can find high-resolution royalty-free photos here
Java & Swing References
Drexel Resources
Miscellaneous Resources