
Intermediate Spanish is taught by Sra. Wildfong. Spanish is fully immersive, meaning no English is spoken, and we learn through watching movies or shows fully in Spanish, listening to music in Spanish, playing games in Spanish, and sprinkling in some small grammar lessons. We also complete vocab dictionaries, with each of us writing down words in Spanish that we do not recognize while in class, and then we write or draw a definition for that word. Using writing, speaking, and participating in class in our target language we can show our progress.

Rutina Del Día

In Intermediate Spanish we sometimes write essays about different topics, and one of our essays that we wrote this year was our Rutina del Día, or daily routine. In this essay, which you can find HERE, or to the right, we wrote about what we do on an average day in Spanish. If you do not speak Spanish, feel free to put it in a translator, but to summarize my essay, I first wrote about what I do in the morning, and how I get to school. I next wrote about the classes that I take, and then what I do after school, which includes homework, driving home, eating dinner, and going to dance class. Lastly I wrote about my nightly routine and when I go to bed.


One of my favorite assignments in Spanish this year was the meme assignment, where we each created at least 3 memes in our target language about different things related to MAMS. In my first meme, I decided to do it about playing Monopoly in Spanish class, and how me, and the other people I was playing with (Keira and Daniel) tricked Dylan into thinking that he should not buy Park Place. In my second meme, I chose to make it about our discussions in Humanities, and our tendencies to not speak as much as Mrs. Small would like. My third meme was about the homework at MAMS, and how when you think everything is done, you realize that there is STEM work to be done. You can see all of these memes HERE, and to the left.