DSC001941Dr. Fabio Carrera

Curriculum vitae

B.S. Electrical Engineering (WPI), M.S. Computer Science (WPI), Ph.D. Urban Information Systems and Planning (MIT)

Current Activities

This year marks the 20th Anniversary of the Venice Project Center where over 450 WPI students have conducted over 150 projects for Venice since 1988, therefore most of my academic and professional activities until Summer 2009 will be dedicated to the Venice 2.0 project.

Click HERE for more information about the Anniversary.

Recent News and Events

˜   “Is Venice sinking?”  Having been asked this question hundreds of times, I finally had a chance to broadcast the answer (NO) to a wider audience, thanks to Real Simple magazine in April 2008.

˜   The Ministry of University of Italy has approved the request by the University of Architecture of Venice (IUAV) to “recall” me for a four-year position as part of the “brain-drain” program.

˜   Featured in: “Venice’s Uncertainty” (Smithsonian Online, 3/07); "Venezia Misteriosa" (National Geographic Magazine (2/07, Vol. 29, Issue 2, Italy);  "High Tide" (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation radio, 12/06); 
A sinking city yields some secrets (Science, 9/23/05);  “City under Siege” (National Geographic Video, 2002-2007);

˜   Also interviewed for BBC radio, Wired , Smithsonian and New Scientist, MIT Technology Review.  More information available by clicking News below.


My teaching this year will be focused primarily on the Venice 2.0 initiatives.  There are seven Interactive Qualifying Projects and one Major Qualifying Project that taking place in Venice in the Fall of 2008.

Full-time faculty member of the Interdisciplinary and Global Studies Division at WPI.   Director of WPI Venice and Boston Project Centers. Primary teaching duties at WPI include project preparation courses (most recently for London, Bangkok and Worcester) and project advising, both on campus (through the e-campus and hometown initiative) and off campus.   Also, I regularly teach courses at MIT:  Spatial Database Management and Advanced Geographic Information Systems (spring 2007 and 2008) and Research Seminar in Urban Information Systems (fall 2005).


Most of my research revolves around the concepts of City Knowledge.  My current efforts are oriented towards the implementation of Urban Data Farming mechanisms in cities, using web 2.0 technologies to augment the emergent farming capabilities of municipalities.  Director of City Lab, an interdisciplinary research laboratory founded in 2003.  Active research areas include the development of Urban Technologies (such as our Pothole and Turbulence Mappers), Urban Information Systems, primarily dedicated to the development of Web 2.0 tools, such as LOUIS (Local On-line Urban Information System) and Urban Initiatives, such as the E-Campus and Hometown Initiative.  I also continue to work on Emergent Systems, primarily with our Emergent Transcriptions Project (currently works on Firefox only).


Outstanding PhD Dissertation (MIT, Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning, June 2, 2005);  University Ambassador Award (WPI, 1/27/05); WPI John Boynton Young Alumni award (WPI, 1999);  ten President’s IQP Awards (WPI).


Born in Venice, Italy on July 29, 1961.  Grew up in Venice until 1978.  Moved to the United States until 1988.  Returned to Italy and lived in Venice until 1995.  Since 1995, spending 3/4 of the year in the U.S. (currently in Spencer, MA) and the rest in Venice, Italy.

FABIO CARRERA [Home, Blog, Bio, News, Teaching, Research, Publications, Grants, Service, Contact]

last updated: November 2, 2008