Introduce binary and the idea of coding.
Tour the inside of a computer and explore the main parts, how they work, and what they do.
This lesson uses the concept of binary to illustrate how a computer codes data that will be stored for use later.
Students learn how to count in binary and convert base-10 numbers into base-2 numbers. Using ASCII character codes,
students will learn how to write their names in binary. Students can create a necklace, keychain, or backpack clip,
representing their name in binary using two different colored beads.
Here is the Binary Number activity.
Using a predefined “Robot Vocabulary” students will figure out how to guide one another to accomplish specific
tasks without discussing them first. This segment teaches students the connection between symbols and actions, as well
as the valuable skill of debugging.
Given a maze with a unique start and a unique end, find a generic algorithm that will successfully get your character
through the maze. Try “coding” your solution using the provided programming concepts in the form of code puzzle pieces.
There are green function cards, black loop cards, and blue conditional statement cards available
Encryption is a way of scrambling data so that only authorized parties can understand the information. It is the process of
converting plain text to cypher text. Encryption takes readable data and alters it so that it appears random.
Codemoji is a fun online way to send secret messages.
Use play dough to help understand the three dimensional thinking required when designing an object using Computer-Aided Design
software, and to familiarize students with four basic operatons that can be performed on a 2D figure to transform it into a 3D
object. These operations include extrusion, subtractive extrusion, revolution, and subtractive revolution.
Logic Puzzles
Solve Puzzles Using Logic
Solve Sudoku Challenges here.
Solve Nonograms here.
Play Bulls and Cows here.
Play Classical Nim here.
Students will learn about Red, Green, Blue (RGB) values and their role in displays. Students will then
make a frosting color and try to determine the RGB value of the frosting.